install pretty much anything on a MacBook
install pretty much anything on a MacBook
Lightning connector (2012) would be equal to USB-C (initially designed in 2012).
Micro USB would be equal to the 30 pin connector (and overlapping with mini USB.)
In 2022, the company made a promise to have 25% of its drinks sold in refillable or returnable glass or plastic bottles, or in refillable containers that could be filled up at fountains or “Coca-Cola freestyle dispensers”.
It’s reusable, not recyclable that is the pledge. While recyclable is good, reusable is better.
Denmark doesn’t have any laws making it reusable only.
Present day. Present time.
No, not unless you have an x86 Android device. While this will run Linux apps, it will be limited to the CPU architecture. Unless there is a x86 to ARM translation layer on Linux that I’m not aware of?
A slave doesn’t dream to be free, but to be a king
“Go woke, go broke”.
Seriously, has this really happened to any company?
It’s easy to claim Bud Light, but they were doing fine until they backed away from supporting LGBT, then they had trouble (from both sides), so it’s just as easy to claim “Go fasc, no cash”.
Definitely a square peg in a round hole kinda person, huh?
This was a choice by Steve Jobs for how it is now. This was also the time they were trying to push HTML5 as the future as removing dependency on specialty software. If mostly everything was only needing a website, then it didn’t matter what OS you were using. This would help allow iOS and OSX (at the time) be fully compatible against Blackberry and Windows Vista. But then Android got popular and Windows 7 was a major improvement, Linux was growing as well (netbooks, before MS tried to push into that market). Suddenly their push of any device would be on equal footing was not in their favor, so Apple pushed HARD on “There’s an app for that” to start the hard lock in of iOS leading to where things are today.
And how long did you use other non-Arch Linux distros before then?
Arch maybe a great distro, but it’s not a beginner friendly one.
Gilleland’s invention was a failure. When it was first tested on 22 April 1862, it was aimed at a target of two upright poles. Uneven combustion of the powder and casting imperfections in the barrels gave the connected balls a spinning movement in an off-center direction, with witnesses reporting that on its first firing it “plowed up about an acre of ground, tore up a cornfield, mowed down saplings, and then the chain broke, the two balls going in different directions”.
On its second firing, the chain shot across the horizon and into a thicket of pine. “[The] thicket of young pines at which it was aimed looked as if a narrow cyclone or a giant mowing machine had passed through,” reported another witness.
On its third firing, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly. Gilleland considered the test-firings a success.
The inventor seemed to think so.
Having lived in Alberta since 2001 and never seeing it there, when was that?
I did grow up with them in Ontario though.
That’s like saying martial law is doing security correctly.