What if you let me cry into your arms (ironically ofc) and you comforted me through tough times (as a joke) and told me that you were proud of me and that you loved me deeply (for the lolz)
What if you let me cry into your arms (ironically ofc) and you comforted me through tough times (as a joke) and told me that you were proud of me and that you loved me deeply (for the lolz)
As part of their carbon neutral by 2050 pledge, they’re moving all the carbon into their sodas
Nah, he’s just got that Y3K cyber hearing augmentation
Also my tinnitus is at like 10 khz
The best part is that each cursor has its own clipboard, which makes making setter getters way fast
The text on the railing looks like an error message from the cat
I thought this was bitonic sort at first glace
“I wanna eat a burger today”
Cat named burger:
I’m keeping this button locked up until retirement, then
Mad strats
Movie special where they are trapped in Paris
It’s a kids show, all fun, but if you took it as seriously as this meme it would be humourous
The en passant guy:
Easy billions
Everyone gangsta till you do this and actually see 4 stars on the windshield
Everybody gangsta still we invent hardware accelerated JSON parsing
Honestly thought this meme was gonna make fun of the fact that there are basically only beginner tutorials for godot, basically nothing intermediate, and absolutely zip on anything expert and above, especially for c++
VSCode cuz I couldn’t find a good open source alternative written in c++ or rust that isn’t just a terminal text editor that needs a trillion plugins/configs to run (I would have tried zed if they ever made a version for windows, seems like the most promising ide to vsc)