Mit ein bisschen eigener Erfahrung aus dem Handwerk bin ich da auf Bergers Seite.
Zudem finde ich es auch unpassend die Frauenquote der Meisterprüfung zu nennen wenn die der Gesellenprüfung um Welten niedriger ist, die Gesellenprüfung aber wichtiger ist zu betrachten da sie den Großteil des Handwerks widerspiegelt.
That invoice will have some zeros…
Well, If you want to put a bunch of young men in a tiny submarine you better make sure they get along very well.
Love getting the wakeup call that just because something is part of the fediverse it is not inherently good or perfekt and still needs work (in regards of the humans that join)
I relfected my own insecurities about my sexuality onto my partner, sadly i didnt realised that they where nonbinary :(
It certainly wasnt the final nail in the coffin but something i still feel guilty about.
it just depends on the friend circle, i dont think that it would be weird in mine
I think that those are tiles, when layed properly they cant be removed without damaging them.
Not realy since Open source is most of the time still the best Option, and you cant realy controll Open source since there is always the option to fork Things. (For example If the US decided that China ist a NoNo the Open source Community in EU or India can do what they want since it is not under their jurisdiction)
How did you turn in the Duolingo nsfw Mode?
Strawhat in the Summer
Veggies, because i dont eat meat but want to watch.
Funfact: they are cutting a train rail (I recognise the machine )
Ich hoffe die ganzen Putinfreunde dürfen nicht wieder zurück in Die Linke gehen