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Cake day: September 6th, 2024


  • WoodScientist@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy would'nt this work?
    23 days ago

    It would work, but only in the impossible world where you have a perfectly rigid unbreakable stick. But such an object cannot exist in this universe.

    Pick up a solid rigid object near you. Anything will do, a coffee cup, a comb, a water bottle, anything. Pick it up from the top and lift it vertically. Observe it.

    It seems as though the whole object moves instantaneously, does it not? It seems that the bottom of the object starts moving at the exact same instant as the top. But it is actually not the case. Every material has a certain elasticity to it. Everything deforms slightly under the tiniest of forces. Even a solid titanium rod deforms a little bit from the weight of a feather placed upon it. And this lack of perfect rigidity means that there is a very, very slight delay from when you start lifting the top of the object to when the bottom of it starts moving.

    For small objects that you can manipulate with your hands, this delay is imperceptible to your senses. But if you observed an object being lifted with very precise scientific equipment, you could actually measure this delay. Motion can only transfer through objects at a finite speed. Specifically, it can only move at the speed of sound through the material. Your perfectly rigid object would have an infinite speed of sound within it. So yes, it would instantly transfer that motion. But with any real material, the delay wouldn’t just be noticeable, but comically large.

    Imagine this stick were made of steel. The speed of sound in steel is about 5120 m/s. The distance to the Moon is about 400,000 km. Converting and dividing shows that it would actually take about 22 hours for a pulse like that to travel through a steel pole that long. (Ignoring how the steel pole would be supported.)

    So in fact, you are both right and wrong. You are correct for the object you describe. A perfectly rigid object would be usable as a tool of FTL communication. But such an object simply cannot exist in this universe.

  • Because it’s clearly being banned, not because of privacy violations, not because of the nefarious impact of a foreign government, but because of the content that is shared on it. It is the only major social media platform with a strong pro-Palestinian viewpoint on it. And the people in Congress have been caught on camera explicitly stating this is why they want to ban it.

    I hate Tiktok. I don’t use it. Never have. But I still don’t want to see the US turn its internet into the Great Firewall of China 2.0.

    The leaders in Congress cannot stand the idea of there being a social media platform that is popular in the US that isn’t hosted in the US. Why? The answer is simple - control. All the US social media platforms are heavily influenced by the US government. Hell, most of them openly contract with the NSA. Facebook is an NSA contractor. These platforms get a ton of money from the US government. And despite what conservatives bitch at in regards to “being censored,” the real censorship is against anything that doesn’t advance US power and influence. Outside of Tiktok, the major platforms heavily censor pro-Palestinian messages and stories. Go to r/worldnews and post anything other than “Palestinians deserve to be vaporized,” and you’ll be banned within 5 minutes. It’s literally that bad. Even when outright bans aren’t in place, the platforms will severely down shift any pro-Palestinian content and keep it out of peoples’ feeds.

    “Beware of he would would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master.”

  • A third term really isn’t that much of a stretch. The 22nd Amendment was poorly drafted. Or perhaps more specifically, poorly drafted for our political era.

    In order to approve a Trump third term, SCOTUS really wouldn’t need to come to an incredibly stretched conclusion. According to the letter of the Constitution, the requirements to be president such as term limits only apply to being elected president. Read from a strict literalist perspective, these requirements don’t apply to achieving the powers of Acting President through the line of succession.

    So Trump could get a third term through being appointed Acting President through the line of presidential succession. He would have two flunkies run for President and Vice President. They run promising to immediately resign after being sworn in. MAGA arranges to have Trump appointed Speaker of the House. When the two flunkies resign, Trump would immediately become Acting President and serve the remainder of the flunky president’s term. In terms of actual powers, there is virtually no difference between being President or Acting President.

    Again, it really wouldn’t require a super stretched interpretation of the Constitution for SCOTUS to rule this as a valid method. The writers of the 22nd Amendment wrote the amendment to say, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President…” They should have written it, “No person shall be elected to or hold the powers of the office of the President…” They didn’t consider that someone could try to deliberately become president in a way that doesn’t involve being elected president.

    There’s never been case law on this, because no one has ever been vain enough to try and use this loophole to get a third term. But according to a strict reading of the Constitution, someone can absolutely serve a third term this way. Hell, this would also be a path for someone like Elon Musk, who is not a native-born citizen, to become president.

  • Here age is a big factor. If Musk is planning to try and seize real political power, he doesn’t have to ever challenge Trump. Implicit in their Devil’s bargain is the understanding that, in almost any universe, Musk is going to outlive Trump by a very long time. Elon need never challenge Trump directly, as he can simply let the reaper do that work for him. If Elon is MAGA’s heir apparent, then he can take over the movement after Trump is term limited, incapacitated, or dies.

    And don’t rule out the idea of Musk vying to serve as president himself. As he was not born in the US, he cannot be elected president. But in theory he could become Acting President, which in terms of powers is indistinguishable from being President. He would run two lackeys for President and Vice President. Musk would be appointed Speaker of the House. Then, once elected and sworn in, the two lackeys would immediately resign. This would immediately make Musk Acting President. The two lackeys would run their whole campaign openly announcing this as their intended action; they’re not deceiving anyone.

    And, as weird as it sounds, according to a strict literalist interpretation of the Constitution, the requirements of being President only apply to being elected President, not appointed by succession as the Acting President. In theory, anyone can be Acting President. If Trump goes for a third term, it would be through this mechanism. And that same loophole would allow Elon to hold the powers of the presidency. MAGA is all about finding weird legal loopholes to seize power at any cost. With a compliant Supreme Court in your pocket? Certainly achievable. The very bargain could be something like “Trump remains president until he dies, after which Elon takes the reins.”

  • Obviously you’re meant to read between the lines. You’re reading too literally. And also, you are wrong about this needing Denmark’s blessing.

    As part of the self-rule law of 2009 (section §21), Greenland can declare full independence if they wish to pursue it, but it would have to be approved by a referendum among the Greenlandic people.

    Greenlandic Independence

    Since you want it spelled out, here is the process of what US ‘buying’ Greenland would look like:

    1. Run a campaign announcing that the US wants to buy Greenland, and they’re willing to give each Greenland citizen $10 million in order to do it. Assuming the population could be made agreeable to it, the next steps proceed.

    2. The Greenland parliament announces a referendum declaring full independence from Denmark, a right they already have under existing Danish law and that they can exercise at any time.

    3. The people of Greenland approve the referendum. Greenland gains independence from Denmark.

    4. The new independent nation of Greenland signs a treaty of annexation with the US. One of the terms of that treaty is that every current Greenlandic resident will receive a check for $10 million USD.

    If you think “aktually, you can’t buy Greenland!!!” is a valid criticism to this idea, you’re just thinking way too literally. You can, in practice, actually buy Greenland if the people there were willing to go for it. You’re not literally buying Greenland down at the store. You’re making a huge cash payment to each citizen a term in a treaty of annexation.

    If the US want to peacefully annex Greenland, they don’t have to convince Denmark of anything. Denmark has already given the citizens of Greenland the full right to choose their own fate. All you need to do is to convince the 50,000 or so Greenlanders that being annexed by the US is a good idea. And their numbers are small enough that, unlike ideas of annexing Canadian territory, it would be practical just to write massive checks to every citizen of Greenland.

    “Buying Greenland” sounds like an incredibly ridiculous idea. But in terms of potential territorial expansions that Trump has floated, it’s actually the most practical by far.

  • Honestly, buying Greenland is the most feasible of Trump’s territorial expansion proposals. There aren’t that many Greenlanders. They number 50,000 or so, and they all have Danish and EU citizenship.

    The US could cut a check for $10 million USD to every man, woman, and child in Greenland, and the cost would come to about $500 billion. That’s a song for a territory that large and of such long-term significance.

    And you wouldn’t be actually taking anyone’s land. Existing land ownership would be respected. All that would change is that Greeland would be part of the US, not Denmark. And if any Greenland citizens don’t want to live in the US, they can retire to Denmark and live well off the $20 million USD a couple of two would get.

    The small population of Greenland makes otherwise impractical strategies like this possible. There’s so few Greenlanders that we could just cut them each enormous checks in order to buy them all out.