Humans aren’t carnivores, we’re omnivores and we can digest plants just fine
Humans aren’t carnivores, we’re omnivores and we can digest plants just fine
Oh well that makes complete sense and isn’t about control at all!
Isn’t Ramadan part of mainstream Islam?
I’m sorry, I took your ending question as a challenge towards the victimization of women, not as an attempt to get the other commenter to think about how men are treated differently.
My bad, I 100% agree with you.
Why don’t we see the same language used on victimised men?
Are men victimized systemically and threatened physically to the same extent women are? Feminists speaking up for women’s issues doesn’t preclude men from speaking up for men’s issues, but lo and behold, men don’t have the same issues as a population that women do, and it’s not feminists’ job to speak up for them anyway.
Edit: I misunderstood, see reply.
I mean that’s simply because Muslims don’t have an effect on America’s policies or population for the most part. Any Abrahamic religion is problematic.
“pirate community” lmfao
Hey no worries, sorry for assuming you were taking past me instead of just missing my point! No need to download yourself haha
helpful or worthwhile
Not everyone has a career where dedicating time to learn this stuff is helpful or worthwhile. There’s a ton of “useful” skills that all of us don’t bother to learn because our time is better spent elsewhere.
to be fair, i didn’t have to respond, i did to bust your cocky egos
Lmfao do you actually think you sound like the cool vanguard of the people here?
I feel like I clearly stated my issue with them, but throw out some more trite insults since you don’t have a response to it
To asking what my beef was with Lincoln Park and their fans? I thought it was obvious, having a scientologist, rapist defending singer. Her statement didn’t meaningful address any of the issues.
And even back when they came out, they had a white boy who couldn’t rap and music that was shitty even by nu metal standards.
Too bad this kid wasn’t born at Skywalker Ranch, then
The French do their arguably dumber “you can’t call that thing you made what I call it even though it’s the same recipe, because it wasn’t grown where my ancient relatives made it,” though. Also France’s general xenophobia and owning a bona fide colony way later than the Anglos lol
Well one of us likes Lincoln Park so I guess we’re both edgy lol
And what wild animals can we eat raw and uncooked better than plants?