That xenomorph is sexy AF compared to the shit in the top picture!
That xenomorph is sexy AF compared to the shit in the top picture!
Nah man. I agree with you.
I’m only saying hypothetically, if America were to ally and there was no way to come to a unified decision internally then you would likely see a division. I’m not saying that I think it would literally happen at all. I really don’t think it would. I’m an American in my 40s and Russia has always been the big bad boogie man you don’t want to become.
I’m with Adderbox on this. I think there are too many people within the gov or military that would not just up and join Russia. There would be dissent and sabotage, perhaps even a civil war here before America would just straight up join Russia.
America is so split, I think we’d see a red America (allied with Russia and/or China) and a blue America (allied with Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia) fighting itself. There would be defections, sabotage, and theft of all American military stuff.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I would hope there’s enough good people in the military or former military with connections that would fight any alliance with Russia.
I’m an American in a blue state and I voted for Kamala. I fully support this!
Why would he need to do this? We have a Republican president, congress, and house of reps. Plus the SCOTUS is on his side.
Seems they just need to write up a quick retraction of that and just pass it.
“World Health ripped us off, everybody rips off the United States. It’s not going to happen anymore," Trump said
Everybody rips us off, so I’m going to make sure that only I am able to rip us off.
Also, bruh, you had all sorts of warnings and didn’t do anything until too late - that’s on you.
No, you can only do whatever you want if you have a certain tax bracket and/or you control the world’s most funded industrial military complex.
Forking Hans Brix!
Is that the sound of Nestle fapping that I am hearing?
I consent to you absorbing us.
If you can summon from the fey realm, all of that is possible - and more!
They are a contractor. They were obviously on a different job starting that before they came back to the Death Star.
I’m American and I’m just going to stop you right there. We last declared war formally for World War 2, but, uh…well…we’ve done some stupid shit in other countries since then without declaring war. So, based on this I’ll just go ahead and disagree with you that you have to declare war before invasion. If you need more evidence, see Russia/Ukraine or UK/Argentina.
I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying you don’t have to.
For pooping, silly!
That one too. Yours is better.
Because the next best would probably be Icey McIceFace
Got it. Wasn’t sure which is why I put that.
I sincerely hope that the military, even red state members, would recognize invading Canada or any of these countries as being a real fucked move and not what they signed up for.