Yes! This is true, for example, if I’m given something like 16 + 27, I’ll sooner make an educated (wrong) guess 3 times than stop and think about it. Not sure if that’s ADHD though!
Yes! This is true, for example, if I’m given something like 16 + 27, I’ll sooner make an educated (wrong) guess 3 times than stop and think about it. Not sure if that’s ADHD though!
For me personally, the more steps a math problem has, the less likely I am to follow through. My mind prefers cutting corners rather than breaking equations up
Yep. Just because you do something in a nonsensical, stupid way doesn’t mean you have ADHD or that is what someone with ADHD would do. People with ADHD are also “intellectual.”
For me, this is how I’d solve 9+7:
Day 1: Fuck it, I’ll do it tomorrow
Day 2: Alright gotta do that problem now! Just gonna eat and take a walk to prepare my mind
Day 3: okay for real this time
Day 4: staring intently at problem for half an hour before getting incredibly inspired to do anything else
Day 5: anxiety
Day 6: paralyzed but anxiety
Day 7: Either I actually try to do it and it takes 30 seconds or I give up entirely and flunk the class
Not “hehe quirky look at me I’m so stupid because my brain does things differently, ur so smart I wish I was like you and not so dumb! x3”
This is an old thread, but taking your first comment into account, doesn’t this make them guilty until proven innocent in your eyes? If your first thought is “what a fat lazy fuck” without knowing their story? That seems unnecessarily judgmental, and I can’t help but wonder if it comes from a place of insecurity, maybe left over from your own history with weight
What does the trashcan icon mean?