It’s almost like you shouldn’t trust the judgement of people who believe inter-dimensional space wizards are real
It’s almost like you shouldn’t trust the judgement of people who believe inter-dimensional space wizards are real
Now do WilFred Flintstone
Eye see what you did there.
This can be taken too far. Try not to stare at his hands and say “Nice strokers!”. It could be taken the wrong way.
Blocking a road doesn’t affect anyone’s supply lines enough to affect any change. If it did there would be much harsher laws and penalties when some fuckhead is on their phone and gets in an accident disrupting traffic flow.
I called out someone for being on Zoom with their camera set too low so only half their face was showing by calling them Kilroy. None of the 12 people on the call had any idea what I was talking about.
Idiots. They didn’t even use a welding rod
I had a very sturdy, energetic dog who loved chasing a thrown ball. He was tied to a long rope (about 100 feet). I did not pay attention to where the rope was and threw the ball and he exploded from my side and flew like a rocket after the ball. The rope, unfortunately, was tied to a tree in the direction I was throwing but was curled behind me. I was wearing shorts and as the rope started to be pulled away, it pulled up against both of my calves and abraded all of the skin from the backs of my legs away in a moment, and then the rope was pulled taught, deftly swiping both of my legs out from underneath me, dropping me backwards onto my head on a stone patio, splitting my scalp and spraying blood all over my white canvas outdoor furniture. The dog looked very proud for catching the ball when he loped up to me afterwards.