“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
-George Bernard Shaw
I saw a crazy Instagram video where the citizens are upset they are only trying to clean up the river for the Olympics not for the people that live there. They were trying to start a viral campaign to have everyone Sh8t in the river after the clean up is done.
I like to say a little before that time but it was in the early 80s
I recall the first time I saw these as a kid when visiting my mother in Alberta. I hated them then and I’m not sure it’s changed since then. Haven’t seen them in BC.
“No one in Australia will be allowed to glorify or profit from acts and symbols that celebrate the Nazis and their evil ideology,” the press release said.
Glad to see someone mention the Profiting part.
I’ve always suspected a lot of this was due to grifters stoking these A-holes up to increase sales of the flags, shirts, hats, etc.
The Brandon thing was a big boon to the Maga grifters as it created more new things one needs to collect to show your true level of being a Patriot.
You could then change out your Trump flag curtains for the Brandon stuff. Some are brave enough to change them out for the Nazis stuff when the time is right too. It completes the set when combined with the Southern Surrender flags as your curtains or bath towel.
We saw this grow during the duration of WW1. This first Xmas (when everyone thought it would be over by then). English and German troops met in no man’s land with an informal truce to bury their dead, exchange greetings, and play a little football.
Once the generals heard of this they banned all events like this from ever happening again. It’s hard to fight against someone you find are much like you. The Nazis in the second War were masters of dehumanizing not only the Jews but the Russians too. They didn’t treat the English and the Americans the same way for the most part.
Eventually when one has been at war long enough most of our humanity is lost. How else does one cope with such horror and depravity that comes with war?
That’s not a part of the disarmament treaty the US and Ukraine signed as the Soviet union integrated who in their right mind will ever trust the US again when it comes to treaties. And who’s ever going to stand alongside the US in future if they ever need it, they’d be crazy to.