The poll was conducted between Feb. 14 and Feb. 17
The poll was conducted between Feb. 14 and Feb. 17
Buddy we can see what goes on over there you know.
I was thinking about watching waterworld on sunday
22 short would definitely fit, 22 long (not LR) is something like a half millimeter too long and might fit depending on the pez dispenser tolerances.
Make a post with a better source
Kernel version, graphics drivers, and are you using X or wayland? If you’re seeing it across distros it could be a hardware support issue but I have no idea what laptop that is.
I wonder if sealand got an invite
what applications would run in ReactOS that wouldn’t run through Proton/Wine?
Drivers and usb hardware support are the main things ReactOS currently are better positioned to support that I know of.
Denominalization goes brrr
Right on cue
Honestly I’m a little surprised they don’t make them learn at least some Mandarin or Russian as soldiers, or maybe they do but at higher ranks?
3 hour old account.
Are you having fun LARPing?
He must be the most downvoted user by a large margin at this point right?
Virgin third party supporter vs Chad no party supporter
But you will be in 4.5 billion years
An endoscope for non medical use
I suspect there may be a discrepancy in what is defined as illiterate. You’ll find plenty in America who may struggle to read quickly, but I only know one person who is fully illiterate in all languages (she can spell her name and can read numbers though) but she’s more than 90 years old and I’m from a low literacy area.
I forgot he had Canadian citizenship, I wonder if any Republicans have enough of a spine to pressure him into relinquishing it.