Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you’re going to chat shit then fucking look properly.
Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you’re going to chat shit then fucking look properly.
Look at ops post and comment history. They post articles that only ever paint Palestine or hamas in a negative light, never any articles about settlers in the west bank or the killing of journalists by the IDF. Op has taken a side and is pushing an agenda.
Not how OF works. You can upload only solo videos if you want or work with one person if you want.
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Same. I’ve the twilight app on my phone because my phones filter is shite. Same thing with f.lux on pc and my Lenovo tablet which only came out last year doesn’t even have a filter. It just dims or turns things black and white which is fucking useless if I’m looking to read a comic or something.
Holland and Barrett sell supplements. Some people do need to take a vitamin d tablet a day. I do but I’ve got a prescription for a vitamin d and calcium tablet because I’ve been low for years.
Yup. I don’t understand how some people are looking at a characters ass more than what else is on the screen and I’m a horny pansexual.
There’s a PS2 game literally called a dog’s life where you play as a dog.
My brother did it once and ended up in hospital because he got a infection from a wound. Swore to never do it again and he complained for weeks of being in pain.
The f word for queer people but with ness on the end. I’d quote the word but it gets automatically censored and the last time I tried quoting I was fucking criticized because morons thought I did it myself.
Thanks for saying what I would. When I commented on a post calling it out the fucking last time I got dog piled and downvoted. I’m a fucking queer guy, this shits hurtful and it’s fucking infuriating that it’s us that get shit when we’re the fucking ones being insulted.
Huh, I didn’t know that. I used to give my da shit because he never carried his license. Though we’re in NI and police checkpoints are a thing here.
I’m sure it’s just a complete coincidence then that republicans fought against marriage equality and adoption for same sex couples.
Yep. I don’t buy that Lemmy is leftwing, it might have some leftwing users but I still see victim blaming shit here, war crime denials and I’m fucking done with the “enabling trump” bs. This fucking place is no better than Reddit despite how holier than thou some users are.
Not as complicated as the bs you’re trying to push.
You’d have a point except this march takes place every year and every year there’s an outbreak of violence around the temple mount. Also there are Israeli Arabs (born and raised in Israel ) who funnily enough are Israeli citizens and have fuck all to do with Iran.
In the books yen uses magic to hide her hunchback and ugliness. Geralt being a Witcher and therefore trained/experienced to analyse magic in front of him quickly sees through the illusion. If the show had the character look uglier to begin with then that’s probably a result of adapting the books. I haven’t watched the show as I don’t really like adaptations. Btw it’s not just Yen that uses magic to hide ugliness either, almost all other sorceresses do as well in the books including Triss.
Fucking read that. Netanyahu isn’t fucking interested in the hostages, only with wanton destruction of Palestine. When the fuck are you people going to open your fucking eyes?? Does all of the civilian population of Gaza need to be fucking wiped out before you people will admit that what’s fucking happening is unacceptable.
Israel has actually rejected this “deal” already despite Hamas being in favor. Biden can fuck off and so can the hundreds of his sycophants on Lemmy. Before I get accused of supporting trump. I don’t and I can’t vote in your bs election anyway so shove that where the fucking sun don’t shine.
No. It’s incredibly common in the UK. Used on burgers and sandwiches. Not sure about other meals/foods.