His mostly shaven ball sacks looked like the skin of a Shar-Pei dog, their eerie wobble mesmerized me like a deer caught in the headlights of a 1982 GMC Vandura…
His mostly shaven ball sacks looked like the skin of a Shar-Pei dog, their eerie wobble mesmerized me like a deer caught in the headlights of a 1982 GMC Vandura…
I mostly fight with AEG’s auto dose, they have built it in a way where the gaskets only lasts a year before it starts dripping liquid detergent.
They gave me a replacement but now it’s dripping again.
Liquid detergent with Auto dose is cool and all, but stick to powder if you want to save yourself some worry.
We are not overanalyzing anything, from the list of tells already given by the nazi, this will just brand musk forever as a nazi.
And add colours and levels for extra flavour.
They are diagnosed with Green Level 3 Wombleypoos, just keep them away from the level 2’s to avoid the floop scenario!
As musky is a free speech absolute, all spam is welcome and spammers can pay with dogecoin to feature their spam in your Inbox. It’ll be great!
Looks like OP is a fan of Monty Python.
Be intolerant and enjoy a good lactose cleanse.
When l don’t worry about family, work, mortgage or the long list of chores I’m pushing in front of me.
I mostly listen to books during the commute, and play a few games when time allows it.
The only one I know of is “open counter clockwise”, but after consuming too much media in English I use “righty tighty…”.
Zeppo: Socialism, get your tutsi fruitsi socialism…
If they can be attached to each other end to end you can spool them around a stick loosely and remove from one end and add to the other, like a 100 element FIFO buffer.
It’s funny how the guy on the right looks like Viggo Mortensen, but IMDb says it’s not him.
Can’t wait for the new manscaping craze: Wallowing.
Is there anything more manly than washing clothes?
Real men are like a bison bull, hairy smelly and they roll around in dirt.
The sad thing is that only bison cows are into that.
I’m just disappointed that you didn’t use 69° or 420°
The instructions are unclear, it raises more questions, and I need more pictures!
How do you go to the store? and how do you slice lime?
Feeling suicidal? No. Okay then try an all bean diet and see if it helps.
People who don’t know or care, I hope it ends up being like 5-10% of their normal sale forcing them to only have a single store in each country.
And with the way they fall to pieces, it will be a curiosity in 10-15 years.