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Game: Halo 3 Book: The Kingkiller Chronicles Movie: Harry Potter series (yes, I hate Rowling, but I can’t move on yet) Show: Doctor Who. Been rewatching nuwho with my wife and it’s like I’ve become insatiable for more. Been reading the books, comics, and audio plays. Gonna try Torchwood after
Years ago I finally nuked my Windows dual boot after one of their updates broke it. I still remember my laptop booting into Windows and being so confused. Haven’t missed it once.
To avoid confusion, just say driver and passenger side.
I meant this to be a joke, but if you assume your bed drives forward toward the side with your pillows then it actually works. But if you read in bed with a reading pillow then I guess you probably want to drive your bed toward your feet side of the bed…
At this point I just stopped buying chips. Feels like such a waste to fill the bag less than half way…
Since I’m dramatic I burned a bunch of things my ex gave me in my parents’ backyard. Years later I noticed my brother had a metal necklace with some discoloration. It was one I burned lol. I felt too weird to tell him.