Congress is a check and balance to executive power, just like the judicial.
They are not checking or balancing his power. So they are in effect, impotent.
Congress is a check and balance to executive power, just like the judicial.
They are not checking or balancing his power. So they are in effect, impotent.
To all our German friends: I am sorry that my country is currently exporting national extremists and Nazi’s to your country…
Stay strong, and keep punching the Nazi’s in the face.
If they don’t spend 700 billion on this, the “proxy” war with Russia (that is currently “cheap” for most of Europe to support), will cost them far, far, far, far more than 700 billion in a few short years/months.
This is why you support proxy wars when they’re in your interest.
It’s like outsourcing a future war to a country that won’t touch your shores.
Ukraine is getting fucked up by Russia right now. Mines, bombs, guns, battle, towns destroyed, infrastructure disruptions, etc.
You want that contained in Ukraine as much as possible. The second they lose, it will spill out into all of Europe and will be far more expensive and too late to contain.
That’s all an air fryer really is. It just lifts the material up into a basket so it can circulate air quickly around it to “fry” it with air.
Otherwise it’s almost identical to a convection setting on an oven.
And your question is still fundamentally flawed.
We don’t get to vote for a candidate for the US of A that has the Palestinian people at the front of their agenda.
The Palestinian people who are not US citizens do not get a vote at all. Those that are US citizens chose to throw away their vote so they’re in the same camp as those who are not US citizens for the sake of the conversation/argument.
So, of the candidates that were presented, you have to choose the lesser of the two Evils (LEV) to have the greatest chance of accomplishing your goals, even if none of the options specifically further your goals. It’s about limiting the fallout/damage to your goals as much as possible.
This is something the Palestinian people who were US citizens chose not to do.
It is now why they are facing a much more serious threat from the US than they were during Biden’s administration. This is not to absolve the Biden/Harris administration, but to show that the reason things are worse now, is because, in large part, the Palestinian people who were US citizens chose the worse of the two options by not exercising their right to vote.
At no point in the process was there an option that would have accomplished what the Palestinian people would have wanted. To let the greater evil win because of that is going to be a very, very painful lesson for everyone involved, and I feel for the Palestinian people that are now going to be guaranteed to lose their home, their rights, and their freedoms because the new US Administration has even less respect and care for their rights than Biden’s.
So, back to your question.
The flaw is in assuming there was another option other than the LEV scenario playing out, and that the Palestinian people who were not US citizens had a vote here. They did not. They do not have enough power, militaristicly speaking, to have autonomy over their own region, and are unfortunately at the mercy of Israel and their close allies (e.g. the USA right now), to control their fate/future.
They had some influence, in the form of Palestinian Americans and allies who could have voted and chosen a less evil/less terrible path ahead, and they flubbed things in the name of making a point. A point that has had little to no impact, and in fact has galvanized a lot of Americans and the world against them because their poor decision during the US election is going to affect everyone in the world. There is nowhere they can run to, or will be safe from the reach of trump’s US imperialism.
Your question is therefore flawed. It assumes the Palestinian people had any option other than Kamala to give them the best possible scenario forward. To claim otherwise is to be ignorant of the world, and the facts of the situation. Just because we all agree that having “no choice” sucks and isn’t fair, doesn’t mean refusing to vote and letting the worst option (by far) on the table win is anything more than disappointingly idiotic.
And that’s where we’re at now.
That’s correct. This is what they want. Drive stocks down, do a bunch of buybacks, scrap the tariffs, watch line go back up, profit.
This is such a thought terminating question being posed in bad faith.
You can respect and support the Palestinian people, and still realize that Harris was the best option for the Palestinians we had on the table. To not vote was giving a vote to trump, and trump is significantly worse than Harris for the Palestinians, this is objective truth, we have the facts in front of us right now.
Not voting was essentially voting against the Palestinian people.
Is it fair that we had the choices we had in November? No.
But the protest vote just turned into voting for this century’s Mussolini and a guy who’s doing his damnedest to start WW3.
Which seems…antithetical to the purpose of the protest vote? So who really won here?
I did nazi that coming
Go to bed early. Easiest trick in the world.
You can also drink a bit of fluids before bed so your body naturally wakes up fairly early, the old Native American trick.
trump is the shit that landed on the board
He ran out of political capital to stall when Hamas was offering him the hostages back, most likely.
Same as trump caving with tariffs against Canada/Mexico once Canada/Mexico was trying very hard to remove the tariffs.
There’s only so much stalling you can do when the opposition is trying desperately to make “peace” work.
Bibi absolutely does not give a shit about the hostages. His actions have shown as much. He was already deeply unpopular in Israel before the war started, so I expect that he just ran out of political capital to keep his peers at bay.
Nah. We’re all just pissed that these shortsighted idiots decided to try and make a point about biden/harris and trump/vance being the same for Gaza/Palestine (which, clearly, factually, in every possible conceivable way, they are not), and in so doing, ended the longest running democracy in human history, to say nothing of making our lives a fucking hell for the next however many years until this shitshow is over or the country implodes.
It was idiotic, we told them it was idiotic, they argued against it, and they chose to let trump win and now we’re all stuck with the fucking bill of their stupidity. All of us.
So yeah, I’m fucking pissed at them, and the trump supporters. At least with the maga asshats you know you’re getting idiots marching on parade. We were counting on the dems not being a bunch of fuckwits.
But here we are, sitting in a shit timeline, eating a shit sandwich together.
A sandwich we all said we’d have to fucking eat if this felon rapist piece of shit clown got elected again.
It’s just so fucking exhausting. God fucking damn it, and people like you trying to blame those of us that went out and voted and tried to keep democracy going for another round. We’re not the bad guys here, and we absolutely get to fucking bag on all you dipshits that chose to let this happen by not exercising your right, and fucking DUTY, to vote.
As much as I hate trump, and boy oh boy do I hate him and elon so much I refuse to even capitalize their names, this is something that Bush started, and then Obama and Biden (and ESPECIALLY OBAMA) had the golden opportunity to do something about during their terms, Obama could have shut it down in 09-10 specifically with the full backing of congress; and they both chose to do nothing and let it remain.
So now we get humans rights violations being committed on migrants instead of just “terrorists”.
This should be banned everywhere by default.
Completely fucked the USA, and it’ll do the same anywhere else it’s not explicitly made illegal.
This is a great analogy.
oh, that’s actually clever. And I’m saying that as a software engineer. I missed that possibility :)
I’m not OP, but my guess is they’re referring to the Intel math bug that some i5’s had. I’m struggling to track it down, but it’s basically an issue with doing long division where the floating point math would produce a very wrong result.
You can see more here at least for the bug/issue that existed in the 90’s here
Don’t be like this guy.
The children, they yearn for the mines