The average population couldn’t make the effort of staying home and playing XBox… so yeah, humanity’s fucked
I thought the “Gulf War” was in fact the “GOLF War” and was happening at a golf course near our home… like … halfway to see uncle Peter!! 😅
Hot Ruble stuck in dishwasher RAVAGED by US step-sanctions
Well…. If anything happens, you can always say that « God told you to do it » and you have a federally approved oath to prove you must obey
“Thou shalt not taketh sponsorships from NordVPN”
I mean… there can’t be an ongoing genocide if they are all dead taps temple
(God I hate this planet now…)
So, one of the best secret service and intelligence agency in the world didn’t see a full combined air/ground assault coming… but they were ready to issue the order to kill civilian hostages.
(Sorry for my tinfoil hat moment, but since that day I believe they intentionally let the attack happen to justify their genocide in Gaza)