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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • If the US leaves that alliance and then starts surreptitiously sending drone parts to Russia, it’ll get dicey.

    If the AfD forms a coalition government with the normal conservatives and Germany decides to turn inwards and keep Deutsche money für die Deutscher, it’ll get dicey.

    If Macron finally completes his heel turn and appoints Marine le Pen to interior secretary…

    If Italy keeps going the way they’ve been going…

    If the Finnish right decides that joining NATO was a mistake that let too many minorities in…

    If the rest of Africa goes along with the Sahel nations and starts funneling their resources into the Russian war machine…

    If Modhi lets Russia open more factories in India…

    If China decides that they’re cool with sharing power on the global scale and fully buys in on the BRICS bloc…

    Russia looks weak right now because the invasion has been such and embarrassment, but that can change surprisingly quickly. The global shift towards authoritarianism is coming hand-in-hand with a shift away from US/Eurocentric hegemony.

  • Tangentially related. I watched a pretty interesting documentary many years ago about avant-garde art in Weimar Germany. Back in the days of the kaiser and before, if you painted a horse it damn well better look like a horse. During the third reich, if you painted a horse it damn well better have hitler on it. But during the interwar years there was quite an explosion of weird shit from the German art community.

    Then, of course, the war happened and all that shit ended, just like it’s happening in Russia now. Not that America did much better back then. Frank Capra was directing WWII propaganda films and Bugs Bunny was flying a B-29.