
I have commited the Num-Code for ™ to muscle memory.

Other interests include bicycles, bread making and DIY. I do own a 3D-printer and adore the Nintendo 3ds.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Lindner ist Vorsitzender der FDP, Liberalisten, denen es Hauptsächlich um gute Finanzpolitik geht. Seine Frau ist Schwanger.

    Die Titanic ist ein Satire-Magazin, dass erfindet, dass das Baby - ähnlich wie eine Geschlechtsankündigung - noch im Bauch als “Low performer” identifiziert wurde. Also, dass sich Investitionen in dieses Kind sich nicht lohnen werden.

    Mit dem Untertitel zur Abschaffung von §218 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Schwangerschaftabbrüche) wird suggeriert, dass Lindner Finanzpolitik wichtiger sei als Menschenleben - selbst am eigenen, ungeborenen Kind.

  • Da wir ja alle hier am Meckern sind:

    Mir gefiel überhaupt nicht, was für Kompromisse die geschlossen haben, um zu regieren. FPD kriegt mit weniger Stimmanteil den Verkehr und Wirtschaftsminister, und hebelt damit gefühlt alles aus was der Umweltminister fordert. Super. Aber zumindest ist das Kiffen jetzt legal - nein, kriegt man natürlich auch nicht vollendet.

    Und was hat man eingebüßt? Lützerath, Scholz kriegt Amnestie für Cum-Ex und G20, Palestina wird mit unseren Waffen ermordet und alles andere was Gerechtigkeit angeht begräbt man auch als man nichteinhaltung des Fraktionszwanges mit Parteiausschluss kontert.

    Ich hoffe, man steht das nächste Mal wieder für etwas - sei es Klima, Gerechtigkeit oder was auch immer. Und dann drückt man das auch besser durch, wenn man regiert.

  • After reading the comments here, I see the problem: You judge past things by what they have become, and new things by what they are. Nothing will ever be “truly innovative” by those standards.

    The automobile was for a long time just a more expensive carriage. The airplane was a pass time for the ultra rich, while anyone else got by with hot air balloons if they wanted to fly. The soviets got to space first by pointing a ballistic missile upwards.

    We have CRISPR and can alter the Genes of any living organism to match our needs, but oh well, it’s only used by labs right now and anyone else got by perfectly fine by selective breeding, can’t call that innovative, can we?

  • Well, I disagree with the premise.

    But perhaps one of the more obvious physical examples are Blue and White LEDs (1992). Small gadgets used to always have red LEDs, maybe green ones, or an unlit 7 segment display, everything else was too expensive or too energy consuming for battery powered devices. And not only that, RGB Diodes also saw the end of pretty much all cathode-ray tubes.

    You see kids, back in the olden days before white LEDs, the only way to get blue light was to throw high energy electron ray on a phosphor coating. So anything blue or white before the 90s was made with that technology, from car radios to TV screens.

    I’d personally also keep an eye out what the cheap electric motor will do next. From “hoverboards”, civilian drones, e-scooters and the modern e-bike, it’s only a matter of time before the new use case will emerge.

  • I’ve never played any of those games myself, but here’s what I have gathered from a video essay:

    You just begin to play it somehow, you get introduced to the Gacha mechanics, and then it’s one of 2 ways: Either you spend a lot of money in the game because they are literally designed like Casinos to fuel your gambling addiction, like clouding your judgement how much a round of gambling is actually worth with many in game currencies.

    Or you spend time in the game to grind premium resources, and your brain rewards you for it with the thought “at least I’m not spending money”, not realizing that the house developer also wins if you do that. An example i giving rewards for players who write strategy guides, something they otherwise would have to pay real money to a developer for.

    We really have to hate more on those regulators who failed to protect gambling addicts from candy crush on crack.

  • Online subscription models, gacha and AAAA price tag games.

    Not everyone wants to be a cybercriminal, god knows I’m one of them, but almost every person already has a backlog of games, an old classic that they want to experience again or community favourite that has gotten a lot of mods. Those are all free. And even if you want to spend money on something, why would you spend it on this year’s hyped up game when last year’s is still just as playable and at a discount?

    That being said, I did buy Balatro full price, so I ought to know the answer.

  • It might just be my personal experience, but I am German and my personal birth rate has been steady all my life.

    To add anything of substance here, there’s a good ol Kurzgesagt video on this. TLDW: Global phenomenon, hard to predict, just investing more money on parents and their needs has been tried and did not really work. Governments should still try to ease the burden of new parents because Jesus Christ they have it hard enough.

    Somewhere else I heard that maybe our pessimistic look at the future is to blame and we should try to spread optimism more (or lay the foundation for a better future so people can actually be optimistic), but that’s less well researched. Not least because optimism isn’t easily quantifiable.