They’ll probably call themselves Patresortians to reflect how great patriots they are to be proud of making such a terrible place so beatiful (in their minds).
Same way American emmigrants like to call expats instead of emmigrants
They’ll probably call themselves Patresortians to reflect how great patriots they are to be proud of making such a terrible place so beatiful (in their minds).
Same way American emmigrants like to call expats instead of emmigrants
Used to be ffew1 but they need to change it every 3 months
Another aspect that plays into deciding the level of pay for elected officials, is to also reduce the appeal of bribes/corruption. Obviously there should/need to be laws to prevent that as well, but some people will always skirt og break the rules if there is a large enough gain.
Ofcourse the catholic church is not onboard with murdering children. How will the clergy get laid if all the children are killed?
But on a more serious note, the current pope is actually doing a decent job of calling out atrocities and promoting some of the decent aspects of their faith, and not propping up all of the bad stuff as god’s will
From what I understand, freight trains in the US are also paid in terms of tonnage per train. This incentivises slapping on as many carts with product as possible, even as speed suffers under the strain of all that weight. Considering that all single tracks require meeting trains to stop and wait for these super long, super slow freight trains, passenger traffic get a lot of increased travel time.
There is a more in depth and interesting video on the issue here(Wendover Productions) https://youtu.be/qQTjLWIHN74?si=h8wri7SeNeMwImVz
As some have mentioned, the real answer is whatever works, as every relationship is different.
With that out of the way however I would generally reccomend three different alternatives, which will depend on what the goal/long term plan is.
Equal ownership of the appartment Your GF will either buy in with half of the sum already paid down or “take over” the remainder of thr mortgage that would equal owning half the appartment once paid down, and cover the corresponding portion of monthly down payments. Depending on their current savings this may or may not be feasible. If not able to pay upfront, it may be possible to calculate how much would be needed to eventuallly get to equal ownership and try to save up and pay bit by bit. Running expenses split 50/50
Partial ownership of the appartment Either split the mortgage equally or however large a portion you GF is able to cover financially, and at the point of either movibg out or selling calculate the what share of ownership those dowbpayments have equated. Depending on how long you intend to live their before selling or how willing you both are to commit at the current stage of relationship, this might be the best/fairest way to start of. Can easily transition into option 1 down the line. Running expenses split 50/50
No ownership share of the apparment. You keep paying all mortgage fees and you just split all other running expenses 50/50. If you at some point sell the appartment to buy a new one/a house together you could solve the potential inequality in funds by you coverkng the bigger part of the upfront cost, while she covers a bigger part of the resulting mortgage so that it eventually equates to a 50/50 ownership.
Hope this helps :)