Use a longer pot
Use a longer pot
I take two personal pizzas and cook them normally. I generally use the frozen ones from Costco and use one cheese and one pepperoni. I also have frozen hamburger patties from Kroger but they’re the thin ones. I’m trying to lose weight, after all, so there’s got to be sacrifices made. OK now I have those frozen rectangular hash browns like McDonald’s sells, but mine are from Kroger again. I can generally cook all four items at once in my air fryer which is more of a convection toaster oven kind of deal. Anyway before I ramble on too long, I assemble a “hamburger” using the pizzas as buns and the rest is obvious. Apply mayo and/or American cheese or whatever like that Korean paste they use. Yum. I like to cut mine in half.
Those thin patties are great! This all started because I was tucking a folded one inside a Hot Pocket. You just split open one side and it becomes a literal hot pocket. Do not stick your … oh never mind
New Jersey
There was a great show about Russian healthcare a while back. Can’t recall the name, but it had Jon Hamm and Harry Potter in it.
Tank, fish
The other day, I saw an article suggesting memory might exist throughout the body and not just in the brain. I suppose your shit might contain memories. You might even call it shit memory. And after you drop a deuce, you may lose some memories. Retention takes on a whole new meaning!
Cats with frickin’ laser beams
aka potato masher
Don’t buy the cow if you’re lactose intolerant.
“It belongs in a museum!”
Pronouncing realtor like “real-uhh-torrrrr”
'Should of" instead of “should’ve”
Don’t leave us hanging! Finish the story! Please let the person that said “it is what it is” die a gruesome, dark, and slow death. But not me because I didn’t really say it… I was quoting, and that doesn’t count.
It might seem like a leap, but if you consider my country is run by a minority of people who extract the maximum amount of wealth solely for themselves, possibly destroying the habitability of the planet for all mankind. They police the entire planet to stamp out terrorism and communists which are mostly just people who want to extract wealth more equitably. How can the few go against the wishes and benefit of the many. They get them fighting each other. Convince people that destroying yourself or at least your productivity is far worse a sin than enabling slavery, genocide, and an apocalyptic future.
Not talking about extortion, kidnapping, murder. If an organization can become the dominant political party of an entire country with the stated goal of destroying another country or keeping girls out of school or men must have beards, then why not produce and export drugs.
Not nice. Why don’t the cartels legitimately enter government and change the system from the inside.
You are what you eat works both ways!