With the way things are going in Norway, i bet EV cars will be blamed for that one as well, when the petrol stations start to disappear…
With the way things are going in Norway, i bet EV cars will be blamed for that one as well, when the petrol stations start to disappear…
What are you complaining about? Are you unhappy that Norway takes on many of the issues of going non-reliant of oil, developing systems to handle northern, less benign weather? You know, from where I stand, a few hundred miles south would be a so much easier place to be, where the sun is plentiful all year long and the winters short and mild…
Blame game stage? Perhaps? My view is that there are few innocents, but the terminology and discourse is very strict in it’s perspective.
Same as any other discrimination. There is always one part that has it worse, but it is never a one way street. Perhaps easiest to see with age, where each age group has their resentments against the others. Both are equally generalisations, though. Equally wrong.
Ok, so you link texts that say that women (as well as feminism, obviously) can be just as sexist as men, yet you take affront to my pointing out that the terminology used is sexist?
Which part of it is it that you have such a hard time coming to terms with? That women, by default, is not always the victim, or is it that men is not always the perpetrator? These terms you use to defend the sexism in feminism is getting in the way of what needs to be done.
That’s not your fault, you’ve been ingrained with it. The fact that you need an A-level university course to be able to make the mental gymnastics needed to understand such language without revolting speaks for its own. Or how was it you phrased it “get you started on the path…”
A term inherently sexist to supposedly describe something else. Trying to shift responsibility. Sorry, that is gas lighting. You can have one, but not both. Chose and let your choice speak for which part of the problem you are on.
As if this is somehow down to “patriarchy”? It takes two to tango! Denying the role of women in the shaping of someone’s ability to handle and process emotion is really a disservice to anyone who wants equality between sexes. Blaming others is not the way to change.
No denying that there are positives, but geopolitically we can’t have Berlin on it’s knees just because Kremlin had a Chinese cargo ship drag it’s anchor half way across the Baltic sea. That’s a no go for an independent Europe.
Had it only been Sweden, as before the eu-directive changed the order of things, the grid would have been more sufficient.
There are no lack of issues in the Swedish grid, but they are compounded by the fact that right now it tries to solve the problem of insufficient grid infrastructure in Norway, Finland and lack of power production and electricity areas in Germany. Last year when the oil power plant had to be fired for 3 days, it was because of insufficiencoes in the polish network…
In fact, by the look of it, the Swedish grid is the only grid in the area that actually works as it says on the can.
So you want Sweden to suboptimize it’s energy grid so that Germany doesn’t have to take responsibility for their own electricity needs? It’s not the solution to this problem.
And, as others are saying: there are other projects in the north of Sweden aiming to use that energy.
Aye, I agree. And given the fit-for-55 directive, that push will continue, further reducing the economic viability of nuclear. Nuclear is dead.
However, regardless of the state of nuclear in Europe, the big problem is that Germany does not produce enough energy, which spikes the energy prices in neighbouring countries. Here, electricity suddenly becomes 8 times more costly when Germany imports electricity. That is something Germany needs to address or face constant demands of building nuclear.
Well, to be frank, Sweden is Europes second largest, or largest depending on the state of things in France, electricity exporter in Europe. Sweden do not necessarily need more large scale electricity production. Specially not given the drive towards micro production that is now ongoing.
The only reason to build large scale is to accommodate AI or some other extremely energy dependant technology. They can happily build and run their own electricity network and not include the ordinary consumers, nor the taxpayers.
This time, it seems, they found the golden nugget despite being blind.
Sure, better range is always nice, if that’s the case, but I didn’t drive it enough to be able to come to that conclusion. The power usage from previous owners was as expected, though.
The problem I have with id7 is that it is bigger on the outside, smaller on the inside and not as fun to drive. Having said that, I recently got to drive a new Model3 and the changes the last 5 years has not done it any favours. Quieter, yes, but that’s about it for the positives.
Thanks. At first i read Danish, but that wasn’t easier to understand, colorwise.
I can’t come in today, I got a bad case of X… I don’t know, seems like a reason to self isolate already.
What is this “growing up” you talk about?
I’m itching for a shovel, though…
Yeah, and in a city with no greenery for kids to play in and afraid to let the kids out of their sight for 1 minute.