this doesn’t answer the Why
this doesn’t answer the Why
why do people torrent recipes? aren’t they just free everywhere online
S4-5 were a weird situation. I forget which one, I think 4, but there was a writer’s strike when it was made so they had to scramble to wrap up the plotline. And didn’t do a great job. There’s also an explanation for the weird plot development point later in S5 if you look up what the actor was doing IRL. You’ll know what I’m talkin about when you see it.
House Season 8 sucks anyway. character development is replaced by stereotypes. can’t believe they named her fucking " chi park " and make her repeat tired old republican clichés instead of having actual backstory
("치"라는 한국사람이 없는데 진짜 물고기 같죠 ㅋ)
This actually happened to me once. I illegally streamed a show and then this Italian guy Vinnie the Foot blasts through my screen. Nice guy. Asked for a towel, I made him an espresso, we watched movies and smoked cigars til sunrise.
is TPB dead?
Serendipity, a stroke of fortune! Great word.
Hm. Is this for linguistic curiosity? It seems like by “different perspectives” you are seeking political commentary. But I could recommend plenty of sources for hearing people speak English as a second language. Hell, I just found this one today: https://www.youtube.com/@InaYu2024 Seems to be a Japanese oncology pharmacist living in Canada. (Very slight accent, hard to place.)
depends your native language and regional accent
looks awesome. gonna have to search for a URL
weird! never seen the spelling “eyrie” but I’d probably be fine with understanding “aerie” from context. I looked it up too and apparently that’s the same word but ae is NA style
so is Virgin 😜
right? I had to check myself: "am i that pretentious that I use this many words average people don’t know?"and there’s no good way to ask that question without sounding even more pretentious
man my OED app has been giving bullshit words of the day like “frenzy” “prestige” “vacant” and stuff ive known since i was a kid, and here on twitter you get gems like “verve” which is an actual WotD
A couple things are wrong with the image. To be clear, the image doesn’t actually describe an act of doing anything. The image describes a barrier to diagnosis. It’s a real problem and one worth discussing - but I’m not sure if the conclusion should be “lol just do it yourself.” The image also says you’re just saying someone to “say what you’ve already known” which is a blatant attempt to flatter the reader’s intellect and skips over the most important part of diagnosis, the DDX. Which leads to the biggest issue, the implied conclusion, represented in this post’s title: “Self-diagnosis is valid”.
As for what to do: I’m just saying that you can make behavioral changes without having to name your behavioral patterns. Or name them whatever you want, call it Fred. For ADHD behavioral interventions alone wont be as effective as it would if combined with medication, but if there’s no other option then by all means. See what others have done to manage ADHD and try it out for yourselves. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADHD - but the name doesn’t matter! If you’re forgetting appointments, keeping an appointment book is just a generally good practice. Keeping a schedule, adjusting how your space is organized to cue your attention instead of relying on executive function, and utilizing post-it notes to stay on track - these are all good practices! And so on. You don’t need a diagnosis to do this. Why must we insist on “self-diagnosing”?
I just want people to shift from this horoscope-esque idea of “diagnosis” and focus more on “treatment”. I think a lot of the emphasis on the name and not the action comes down to a desire to fit in and finding liberation in a lack of agency. Like if we look at a false dichotomy: Would you rather be officially labeled ADHD and not have to work on yourself at all, or would you not get the label but be in charge of making the changes you want in your life? Both sound pretty scary, but the latter sounds far more difficult.
Thanks for the thoughtful response!
they probably meant me
actually just encouraging people to look inward and outward, find common themes between themselves and others, and use those findings to inform what they can do to help themselves and those around them.
That’s actually what I am saying you do. Why would you call that “diagnosis”? Why not call it “pizza-stomping”? Why not call it winning a nobel prize? Words mean something. The fact that so many people cannot understand why this is frustrating is exactly why it is frustrating. I actually like the nobel prize comparison. That’s not too far off from what’s going on here lol.
What it leads to is communities of people who increasingly have little relation to people who are actually diagnosed with the condition. “hey i like pizza do i have adhd” “yeah man totally! i have adhd and i love pizza” “yeah it’s totally a major symptom” and then when someone comes along saying “uhh that’s not actually diagnostic of adhd” they get told to fuck off
these words mean something. these conditions mean something. the treatments mean something. we have boards and licenses and ethics surrounding all of this. if you want to go wild wild west at it, im sure you’ll have a lot of fun and make great friends along the way, but all of this contributes to the undermining of our society’s understanding of mental health
that sounds hard. i cant give you medical advice - you know yourself better than me anyway. one thing i can comment on is that changes usually take a combination of medication and behavioral changes (aka therapy). so it’s not surprising that things didn’t improve after 3 sessions. it takes a lot of effort!
a lot of stuff about childhood experiences. it’s helpful to have someone present who knew you as a child, but failing that, you can talk to them beforehand I suppose. I imagine this sounds like a headache, so don’t worry about calling mom if it sounds stressful or confrontational. id say the ideal is a teacher who knew you well but doesn’t have stakes in the diagnostic label like a parent might. maybe a sibling.
probably because you don’t understand the culture and/or are only looking at specific examples.
if you want to understand korea, you need to understand pain. the national story is one of constant pain and humiliation, and finding the strength to preserve through it. listen to Arirang for starters. that’s the unofficial national anthem, and it’s about a girl getting fucked over by a dude trying to get a better job, because mfs were starving to death back in the day
south korea is still a piracy paradise btw