I don’t know; can you name three bears that women would feel safer with?
I don’t know; can you name three bears that women would feel safer with?
No, sorry. He got his livussy ate by a birb.
I’ve been binging Hades 2 this week, so: Dionysus. Have you seen that package?!
@[email protected] Need a member of the birb council to check in here to see if this is legit.
“What did you do this weekend?”
“I went to the second, secret Burning Man where they immolate an actual man.”
I’d expect medicine to be highly precisely crafted in labs by highly educated professionals and that it’d be difficult and perhaps dangerous to make and take your own medicine. I could be wrong.
You’re not wrong—all of 4TVC’s work is extremely dangerous. Not as dangerous as you’d think, though. And, compared to living a life crushed by debilitating disease or debt, do those risks outweigh the outcome? Probably not.
No ads or subscriptions, no endless DLC.
Unfortunately, if you’re looking for a free download, the game you’re describing doesn’t exist.
The closest I can think of is Postknight 2. There’s unobtrusive (optional) ads, and the full game is playable—start to finish—without spending any money.
It’s very cute, and you can get pets… but it’ll take some dedicated playtime to unlock them for free.
I am sorry. You need help that we cannot give on a message board. You need to find a trusted person you can tell your story to. You should ask them for help.
Good luck.
You seem to be very intentionally dodging the question everybody in this discussion has been asking: Why are you, an adult, being taken care of by a family member?
Aside from very literally answering the question by saying, “Well my sister is taking care of me because Mom is gone,” you haven’t addressed the subtext of that question: why do you need taking care of at all? Do you have some form of condition that requires you to have a caregiver as an adult?
Please make careful note of sentences I have written that end in question marks (“?”)—those answers are important.
I caught my kids to throw light switch raves, but they don’t know the context. It’s spread to their friends, also context-less.
But really, I don’t think anything can top that one email where Compy gets Old Yellered.
I don’t hate Google.
I despise them. I loathe them. Common transitive verbs like hate don’t encompass the depth and breadth of my disdain for Google.
I think so, but I’m so deep on the autism spectrum that I’m probably SCUBA-certified, so…
If you want to give a gift that’s simultaneously very thoughtful AND a very shitty gift: buy him a pair of knee pads. Refuse to elaborate on why you bought them.
I wear tankies when it is hot out.
Web 3.0 is, more or less, what timeshares were to our predecessors. Here’s a thing you can theoretically use, but in practice, it’s useless and just cons you out of a ton of cash. And the theoretical thing will never actually exist.
Meanwhile, I am permanently banned from YouTube for uploading a 45 second clip of an episode of Star Wars Rebels as a private video to share with my kids, after we just (legally) watched it and they thought it was cool.
Such a good system.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Your laptop desires are common, but unprofitable. Even if manufacturers charged twice as much for them, they’d lose out in the long run. Because you wouldn’t need to buy a new one every three years.
It’s the same problem that mobile phones have. Year after year, the number one complaint in consumer surveys is: “I want longer battery life!” It’s been like that for 20 years now. You’re never gonna see it. The battery having a short daily life—as well as a short lifecycle (before you have to bin the device because the battery isn’t replaceable)—is an intentional design choice. It ensures you keep buying The Coolest New Thing every few years. That’s money in the bank, baby!
You can tell a real programmer made this because it’s unreadable.
I am currently too stupid to be able to follow this guide, but I will bookmark it for when I am better educated on how computer do.
Thank you for preserving this resource!
Walking through an open door in a place you’re authorized to access is going to be a hard sell on a B&E conviction, but okay.