I actually use VIM bindings in PyCharm, slightly cursed but actually works really well and meshes fairly nicely with the other IDE shortcuts. Being able to use it in any terminal is a nice bonus.
I actually use VIM bindings in PyCharm, slightly cursed but actually works really well and meshes fairly nicely with the other IDE shortcuts. Being able to use it in any terminal is a nice bonus.
I honestly learned it just because I hated having to change hand position to use a mouse.
I avoided it for a while because it felt so clunky, but it has really improved in the last decade.
If you want to anchor your sub idea to a reddit equivalent for name recognition, look up the selfawarewolves subreddit.
Their criteria is based entirely on whether the person in question gives them a boner. Someone beat it to Mulvaney and now has to convince themselves that she is a “real woman” to sleep at night.
It’s bullshit too because now they’re named after the bridge guardians which look awesome. Driving past them always makes me feel like I’m being tested by those statues in the Neverending Story.
You really should look through the Haus of Decline gallery, dude comes up with the most cursed comics. One of my favorites:
“Michael Obama” jokes were a thing long before conservatives had trans people on their radar. No safety in being cis, or different in any way at all.
Now I’m confused, I thought the premise of this thread is that jail time should be based not on the severity of the crime, but only how long it takes to rehabilitate the offender. Did I misunderstand that?
I mean we did have to live through the era of popups and really annoying ads. (“Say something!” “Whaaaat?”)
I’m confused on how you quantify rehabilitation. How do you know someone has changed?
And yeah I guess I’m genuinely having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that first degree murder and shoplifting could result in the same sentence.
So the crime committed and the effect on the victims, if any, doesn’t affect the sentencing?
I don’t know that emotion is so easily divorced from justice. How do you define what a just punishment is for a crime? Or does the magnitude of the crime not matter?
How do you know when a person is reformed versus playing the part to get out earlier? Is there a risk of the system being abused by those who commit a crime knowing that they can get out in a couple years’ time?
If you can’t even think of forgiving this hypothetical transgression you’ve come up with, how can you ever hope to have a positive influence on this world that might actually protect others from the kind of tragedy you’ve described?
I’m sorry but I’m not sure I see the connection here. How does forgiveness prevent such tragedies?
I get it, but also when I think about if that happened to my sister, let alone my child, no amount of time would be enough. 2 years for ripping two people out of your life feels like a pittance. How do you separate the emotion from the practicality?
Just wait until you hear about Mosquito Mayhem, the theme park for mosquitoes!
This is exactly the feeling I had when I played Assassin’s Creed and picked up a flag that said “1/100”. That happened multiple times, since there are 400 flags in the game. And what do you get? Absolutely nothing but an achievement.
I hold Mario Odyssey up as a shining example of how to make large optional objectives fun. You don’t really get much of a reward for getting all 999 moons, but at least the vast majority of them have fun puzzles to solve so that it’s actually rewarding to collect them. Contrast this with, say, Korok seeds.
I mean, it’s kind of a tired joke at this point for women to be treated as these complicated, enigmatic creatures when 90% of the communication issues could be solved by, you know, talking to us.
Unfortunately, people need to eat
Ah sorry, I meant using Vim in a GUI program. I wanted something with the flexibility of a mouse (quick navigation, context menu actions, etc.) without using a mouse. Using just the arrow keys, shift highlighting, etc. is just too slow when writing lots of text, and it doesn’t follow the natural position of typing.