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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah. The crash should’ve been survivable. If, as many have theorized, the pilots lost both engines (or believed they had), gliding to the runway with no gear or flaps makes sense. Both would introduce drag and could prevent reaching the runway. Unfortunately, they landed long and fast, preventing them from slowing sufficiently. Even so, at most airports this shouldn’t have been nearly so bad. It would’ve been bad, but not “explosion and loss of nearly everyone on board” bad.

    The direct cause of the fatalities in this incident is that damn berm, something that would never be allowed at a modern airfield in the United States and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere. If you need additional height on the localizer, you use a tear-away structure that will not cause an aircraft to explode when struck.

  • The MCAS wasn’t an issue of cheaping out, it was an evolution of a less-dangerous system that fell through the cracks and highlighted shortcomings with the FAA’s self-approval system. It’s a long story, but the short version is because the type of system it was wasn’t considered critical it was approved for being fed by only one source of data. And in its earlier iterations for military use it was far less powerful in terms of how much stabilizer trim it could apply. As it evolved it became much more potent, and also reset every time the pilots used their trim switches, leading to disaster. Mentour Pilot has done some really good videos about it, especially his analyses of the Lion Air crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

    Now it receives data from multiple sources and won’t activate if they disagree profoundly. It also can only ever activate once per flight now, which means even in the event of erroneous activation the pilots can easily trim it out.

  • The 737MAX is a perfectly safe plane. MCAS has been neutered, can only activate if there is not a significant discrepancy between AOA sensors, can now only engage once per flight, and is also limited in the trim adjustment it’s capable of making on that one activation.

    The door plug issue was horrific, but that has also been rectified through additional checks during installation, just like any other similar issue that has cropped up over decades of flight.

    Is it absurd that Boeing included systems that were unsafe on a modern airliner, and could crash a plane due to a single failure point? Absolutely. Fuck Boeing. I’ll take Airbus any day.

    But there’s no reason to be afraid of flying in a 737MAX. It’s essentially just the 737NG with bigger engines, a nicer cockpit, and a few other upgrades, much like the A320neo vs the A320ceo.

  • I guess I’m searching for another Zelda:BotW. Which isn’t Tears of the Kingdom.

    I’m confused by this. TotK is very much just BotW but with more. The construction mechanism is really fun, the three overlapping maps are cool, it’s a good time. You get to see how the world of BotW has changed in the intervening time, and being able to make hover cycles to fly around the world is awesome.