Just the thing to enrage the masses. It’ll be hard but the only thing that might change the mind of of MAGAt is suffering.
Just the thing to enrage the masses. It’ll be hard but the only thing that might change the mind of of MAGAt is suffering.
But the movie was based in USA
MAGA: “I hate Communism, and socialism”
Also MAGA: “Woot! Russia is awesome and is doing great, I wish we could be like Russia”
I wouldn’t say that it’s entirely eugenics. Most of the point they were making is environmental factors like having uneducated parents that don’t enrich the child’s life or being too poor for education because the parents were too poor because they had 10 kids. It’s where we are headed because they are trying to actively destroy our education system and force people into unwanted births.
Which is the plot to Idiocracy and why the movie is no longer a fantasy and it is now a prophecy.
Are they still not using some of the US tech they were given or have they said fuck you to the US restrictions? I hope they are using anything and everything they can.
Make sure you read the trump thesaurus,
criminal: brown, black, non-english-speaking
Couldn’t have placed the body in the cargo hold or one of the bathrooms? I think passengers wouldn’t have minded being one bathroom down.
Won’t work, as you thrust your ass will pull away. Only way I could think of is having the portals on platforms that would move with you.
Come on Biden, they are just off the coast lift the embargo, Castro is dead.
Brain worms for everyone!
How about some crypto
Twenty decillion rubles, best we can do is $3.50
Word Trends is what this software called them. I always wondered how they know how many times fuck is used in a book, I had hoped they didn’t have to count. https://www.maxqda.com/help-mx22/visual-tools/word-trends-analyze-frequencies-of-words-within-a-text
stumbled on the foot
I see what you did there.
Get 101 dalmatians? You mean dog collars right?
As it should be. Be a dick and not pay your fines the government will garnish your wages, just like the peasants. Billionaire gets no special treatment.
I don’t see any sails on that ship
Poor Mr. Astley, forever known as Mr. Roll
They are all on battery or gas backups. They would need to be weeks long outages to kill any data centers.