I picked up a love of curry sauce or garlic sauce on my fries during my time living in London.
Those folks do fast food right - cheap, easy to find, and greasy.
I picked up a love of curry sauce or garlic sauce on my fries during my time living in London.
Those folks do fast food right - cheap, easy to find, and greasy.
Well, for one, the 18 deaths I imagine are only the ones they know about. Like most info that puts them in a bad light, I don’t think the IDF would be very forthcoming with the actual numbers.
Might have misunderstood the wording - unless you do a lot of sleeping during working hours?
We’ve been using famcal for this for years and it works pretty well. There’s probably better, more robust options out there, but it’s free and does everything we need it to so no complaints
Imagine unironically using the words “good thing” to describe a number of civilian casualties above 0, let alone above half of total casualties.
That’s wild man.
Civilian casualties of war aren’t just a statistic. Those are real people that just wanted to live happy lives. Less than 1% of any number over 100 is a number I’m not happy about, and anyone with a heart should be furious about the number of civilians dying in Gaza. Especially when those numbers are such a high percentage. If you can’t fight a war without that kind of casualty count, then you either don’t fight the war or you accept that what you are doing is a genocide, not a war. IDF has very clearly made their choice on this.
How much of that is because there just aren’t as many left for them to kill? If they started out at non-combatant numbers above SIXTY PERCENT that means they were killing more women and children than anyone else…
Eventually that pesky problem of killing non-combatants just fixes itself when there’s none left to kill, doesn’t it?
Watched recently with my 8 year old and while it’s certainly still a justifiable classic, there’s still some things that are pretty problematic in this movie that made it a challenging watch with a kid…
I wish I had record of it.
They had reached out to me after years of no contact to catch up and we chatted back and forth for a day just telling each other what was new in our lives and how good it was to talk after so lomg. Then immediately after, they cut me off completely for the last few years of their life. I’ll never know exactly why, but I suspect they just didn’t want to burden me and others with all the things they were struggling with (a string of bad luck so uniquely terrible anyone that knew them would know who I was talking about if I said everything I knew about here).
A couple months before they passed, they completely dropped off the face of the earth and their Facebook was hacked. When whoever now owned the account got tipped off that I knew they were a scammer, they blocked me and I lost all of our message history.
I have never hated a complete stranger more than whoever this person is.