Says you. It is a fucking dog whistle for racists and telling me it isn’t with that stupid meme confirms it. It’s amazing how the term as been so whitewashed that even Jewish people buy it.
Says you. It is a fucking dog whistle for racists and telling me it isn’t with that stupid meme confirms it. It’s amazing how the term as been so whitewashed that even Jewish people buy it.
Zionists are Jews, not all Jews are Zionists. You are deliberately misconstruing my words so you can get mad.
Was hoping you’d be self critical and figure it out on your own.
You think an entire people are one dimensional religious fundamentalists
“Zionists” = Jews, an entire people.
This meme portrays them as bloodthirsty psychopaths who fantasize about killing their own people via their mortal enemy because they are gay. My very close friend is a “Zionist”, ie a person with more complex feelings about the war than anyone on this goddamn site thinks is possible. A person who doesn’t want dead civilians or anything else, but was there when her friends were butchered in the streets. She also happens to be a lesbian, and the “average Zionist” is her.
That ship sailed centuries ago.
Ironic considering the meme you just posted. And pathetic.
Lockheed-Martin doesn’t commit war crimes, the governments you elected or didn’t, do the war crimes. They’re a weapon and aeronautical reasearch, development, and manufacturing company. Building weapons and planes and jets is something every single nation on Earth does (or buy from those that do). This is just as silly as Coca-Cola sponsoring Pride, maybe even more so if you knew what they’ve been up to.
Corporations are not your friend or ally, rainbow or not. It doesn’t matter what they support because they are all in some way evil. But if people want their support in Pride, why not?
What the in racist hell is this stupid bullshit?
The infantilization of anime girls is real and I am a pretty intense anti-fan of it.
Dispatched? You guys don’t say shipped?
I’ll take “Movies with poor portrayals of real things that changed the world anyway,” for $500, Alex.
I love that movie. Maybe not as much as this guy. If this stupid story is true.
Also, “wretched whore” seems pretty intense, no?
I’ve been bamboozled.
Word on the street is that GenZ kids are more likely to fall for this. Swap IRS with TikTok or some shit.
Yo dawg so I heard you like AI gibberish.
I was literally playing as a girl before it was cool in the early-00s (as a straight cis guy). My friends called me gay or thought it was weird and so did other gamer guys. Now all my friends do it and it’s popular in general (again, in relation to straight cis guys).
I sometimes want to play as a guy now because it’s too mainstream and I’m a hipster asshole. Only half kidding.
Seems like they get allllllll the babes, amirite?
You are misunderstanding what I said and I’m tired of bad faith arguments.