When you put it in callorie numbers than it sounds more sane.
When you put it in callorie numbers than it sounds more sane.
Fucking Vatnik
I used to drive the multipla, and I tell you what! People used to fight to sit in the front because it had 3 front seats! The 1.9jtd after tuning had 150hp so I went head on with golfs and polos. When I bought it it was “Car of the future” but the memes made it look bad.
Take a sweet bun that has a curd filling, cut it in half like a burger bun. Spread cream cheese on both sides. Add ham, cucumber, salad leaf. Serve with tarkhuna. This recipe might doxx me to my friends, because I always say to try it but nobody ever does.
Well i was watching a conspiracy video about biggfoot and aliens. The guy kept talking about skeptics and beievers and that he is a skeptic but doesn’t believe in global warming and put a sound bit “how dare you” so I got this idea what if a hard right leaning guy believes in global warming and is stunned by an idea that a liberal doesnt.
This meme does not represent my political beliefs and does not try to show that global warming is fake. global warming is real and it’s affecting our planet.
Lithuania was exporting it to Taiwan, which was then exporting it to Russia. Knowing the history of how Lithuania supported Taiwan’s defense against China, it seems that they were helping Taiwan, but Taiwan was sending this aid to Russia to make money.
If Lithuania stops supporting Taiwan, China gets an advantage, but Russia loses. If Lithuania continues to support Taiwan, it can keep its advantage over China, but Russia gets help against Ukraine. A riddle.