The only thing I can think of when reading that is “traitor”.
The only thing I can think of when reading that is “traitor”.
Never underestimate the power of a cult leader.
Yeah, Zelensky was never against a mineral deal. His whole reason of not signing was because the US doesn’t want to give Ukraine assurances for where Russia breaks the peace treaty again.
Quite literally what Trump is trying to do is muscle the wealth of Ukraine away from them and leave them with nothing. If Zelensky agrees to that, thousands of Ukrainians will have died for nothing.
Except that Gandalf got addicted to pipeweed and introduced all the other wizards to it. Yes, even Sauroman got addicted to pipeweed, because of Gandalf, but he’d rather die than admit that to anyone.
I guess the United States ran out of all their destiny, so they’re looking to manifest some more.
There are valuable resources, like gas and oil, under Greenland. He made a deal with Russia to carve up Ukraine’s rare Earth minerals.
It seems that Trump’s motivations are based on grabbing as much valuable resources from other countries as he can. So far he’s been failing.
The US stopped being an attractive target to me the moment they fucked over Iraq.
I mean, I might hate the US, but visiting The Grand Canyon still sounds nice. I sure as fuck wouldn’t be visiting your country because I think things are better over there.
That is the kind of escalation nobody will survive.
So Ukraine builds a nuke. Maybe a few nukes, even. How many more nukes do you think Russia has? How many active anti-nuke systems do you think Russia has? Do you truly believe Ukraine having nukes will somehow deter Russia, or wouldn’t think that Russia would consider that an excuse to do even more damage?
Where can i read this transcription?
You want a reboot? Well, incedentally a lot of this shit is in America, a country that reportedly has more guns than people. Time to start using them.
I’ve heard this one before. As much as I’d like to believe it…
My phone still comes preinstalled with a bunch of crap and I want it gone. Like I’m never going to use Google Games, I’m never going to use LinkdIn, I’m never going to use YouTube Music, or Opera Web Browser. None of these apps I can remove without root.
I sure as hell hope so. But I can’t be certain anymore. So much weird, hyperbolic shit has happened or been said in the past 3 months, it makes headlines from The Onion seem reasonable in comparison.
Besides Pearl Harbour, was American soil ever invaded?
Pretty sure The Netherlands didn’t hold elections in that time. Pretty sure England didn’t hold elections either. Or Poland…
And yet Russia isn’t exactly winning either. A smaller country is putting a much bigger country, with a supposedly much bigger, better equipped military, into a back-and-forth stale-mate that has lasted well over a year.
Yes, there is a lot of gung-ho propaganda out there. But if it’s truly completely wrong… Why wasn’t Ukraine conquered already well before the first aid from allies arrived?
You want to have sexual intercourse with Ukrainians?
Out of all the conflicts in the world, Ukraine is the simplest, most black and white one there is. It’s one country invading another, and quite openly stating they want the other country to do as they say, or else.
Ukraine didn’t attack Russia. There are no Ukrainian terrorist cells bombing places within Russian borders. There are none of the things in this conflict that wouid make it complicated.
It’s one country invading another.
So ask yourself; do you condone unprovoked invasions?
Looking more like modern Europe means you’re going to have to fight, maybe even physically fight, the rather distressingly large population of very rascal right wingers your country has.
If your government collapses and it’s not you who’ll stick your neck out for it to be remade in a different way, then there’ll be someone who comes along and remakes it in an even worse way.
They believe in themselves too much. Nationalism is inherently flawed and irrational.