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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • “Lindner fühle sich vom Titelblatt der Ausgabe 01/2025 in seiner Persönlichkeit verletzt. Die Darstellung überschreite die Grenzen der Kunstfreiheit, so der überzeugte Free-Speech-Befürworter Lindner.”

    Ich versteh das Problem nicht… Das ist doch genau die freie Meinungsäußerung von der er geredet hat.

  • In my personal experience, ignoring them really doesn’t help anyone but them. They will find a way to spin that into their favour.

    And to perhaps go on a short tangent : one of the best ways to get rid of an infection is to kill it. Even our body’s immune system knows about that and is usually doing just that. To the point where it just orders sick body cells to die.

    In other words. Not helping them by not giving them any more free real estate is not enough, you need to make their lives actively miserable.

    Or yet again in other words, not paying them any more money is not good enough to stop otban or Hungary, you actually need to make it hurt for them if they keep doing what they want. Give their actions actual consequences.

    As it stands right now Hungary is best either out of the EU or at least has ALL their rights taken away from them while it stays how it is. Including all the EU funds and then some.

    They play hardball? You need to play hardball better than them. Simple as that.