Here’s a good video that talks more about the power of the rich in SK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRgp8oBiAmw
Here’s a good video that talks more about the power of the rich in SK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRgp8oBiAmw
It’s where they filmed the ads for the car brands VAudi, WolksVagen and MazDa.
Depends on the size of the area you’re considering. In some area, one nuke would blow up 100% of the mines. But in some other, larger, area, it would only blow up 50%.
But to be fair, using nukes to clear mines is probably one of the least effective methods considering all the collateral damage on villages, fields and nature.
“Your body - your choice” refers to the basic human right that you’re your own master and no one else can own/control you.
It’s especially used in the discussion about whether abortion should be legal or not, where it refers to the fact that the fetus in a pregnant person is indeed part of that person, and they are allowed to do what they want with their own body (e.g. abortion).
The post mentions the opposite, “your body, our choice” which refers to the anti-abortion movement where people, often due to religious reasons, think they should have control over a pregnant person’s body, rather than the pregnant person themself.
She holds the title International Master, so I guess OP thought that’s the same as World Champion? But she’s currently ranked 6365th of active players.
The issue with these statistics is that they look at the average, which is heavily boosted by the exceptionally expensive weddings of the higher upper-class. The median is significantly lower.
Also I’m not American, maybe people there just spend a lot more on weddings in general than what I’m used to.
I have no clue how you define “middle-class” but not even the fanciest weddings I’ve been to have spent even close to $250 per person. That kind of expenditure sounds quite a lot more like upper-class to me. Assuming you invite 100 people to the wedding, an average Joe will not have 25k to spend on one party.
I also feel the need to remind people that while most combatants are male, not even close to all males are combatants. If only women and children (probably almost all civilian) made up 60% of all deaths, then the remaining 40% includes all male civilian deaths, which very well could be higher than combatant deaths.
Yup, if someone works “harder” they’re either being exploited or they live in a less advanced society where technology doesn’t help the working class as much.
Don’t forget the Netherlands ban
I’m also confused by this 473 ml pint, is that some American thing? I always thought pints were 568 ml… as in pint of beer.
It would have cost you nothing to not write this comment…
In order for negotiations to conclude, both sides have to agree. The US isn’t one of those sides. In 2022 there were a lot of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, but they were so far from agreeing that they realized there’s no use in negotiating for a long time.
There’s nothing Biden could have done, apart from sending even more aid, to help the situation. And now with Trump chatting with Putin, there’s hardly any difference. No deal will be reached without Ukraine agreeing, which they’re clearly not.
The only result from this will likely be that the US completely stops all support, forcing the EU to send even more aid, and the war will drag on a lot longer, probably years.