What? I feel like you need to explain this more.
What? I feel like you need to explain this more.
I was talking about the era in the 1960s when Britain shrank substantially by giving up so many overseas territories.
Awkward Canadian history here, but that time period is when our colonialism was anything but fading.
Cool strawman, that isn’t why they did it, or relevant.
TIL activists have to achieve their goals in a single act.
UNIFIL said Israeli soldiers had also fired at a UN position in Ras Naqoura, “hitting the entrance to the bunker where peacekeepers were sheltering, and damaging vehicles and a communications system.”
“An IDF drone was observed flying inside the UN position up to the bunker entrance,” UNIFIL said. The previous day, Israeli forces had “fired at and disabled the position’s perimeter-monitoring cameras,” it added. They also deliberately fired at and damaged another position, it said.
So they knew it was the UN that they were attacking? What the fuck.
Personally, I would imagine that the real issue with THIS ARTICLE is the picture they chose to forefront it. Why would they choose that one
A woman was raped over decades by 51 men and your issue is the article has a picture you don’t like as the opening image?
Well the idea with protests like this is to shine so bright a light on it that we force governments to act. If we do that enough, we can make this happen less and less to everyone.
And so, what’s the course of action? To give all men some sterilization treatment?
Who the hell said that?
The case has put into the spotlight a growing problem with rape in France. The number of sexual assault victims in France increased by 33% in 2021 and nearly doubled from 2017, according to a government report. Women made up 89% of rape victims, while 96% of sexual violence perpetrators were men.
But out of almost 35,000 rapes recorded that year, just over 10% were prosecuted, and fewer than 5% resulted in a conviction. And the vast majority of rape or attempted rape victims − nine out of ten − never even file a complaint, the report found.
The plan is to make it so the system actually helps the victims. That’s the idea. These protests bring light to the issue.
And, I promise you, the real numbers are probably scarily equal, just like with domestic abuse. Because men are definitely taught to never come forward with those.
Cool guess, stats say you’re wrong.
But even if the true ratio was 1:50, what’s the solution?
See above.
Seriously this is fucking embarrassing, you’re creating constant strawman arguments without any basis of anything reported.
Sorry you’re getting this reaction. I am a man who was abused by women and all the support groups lead to me taking to a room full of women about it. Do men come forward less often? Yes. It would have to be like 1 in 100 men coming forward for it to be equal. I’ve had one other male friend who has been assaulted, but over half of the women I’ve been friends with have.
If it helps anyone with that being anecdotal, you have to look at the statistics of who is doing it: people in power. Just that alone means more men simply have the opportunity. Add to that that men are told sex is power, and that men who have sex often are virile, whereas women who do are slut shamed. It’s getting better, but still far off.
Anyway I’ll take the downvotes, but every statistic we have shown is that men are the primary antagonist in the vast majority of sexual assault against both men and women.
Just to be clear, your argument was Checks notes “Too bad that modern capitalism produces wealth like no other system” had the proof “the supposed resurgence of fascism never happened despite EU running capitalism for 79 years since the World War 2.” was truly a masterclass.
It’s like you had this well thought out idea, and really just made sure everyone understood that yo-
sorry, hahahahhahaha i just cant, every time I read it I laugh again, hahahahah thank you so much this made my day.
Enjoy being ratio’d though, the view is incredible from up here.
the supposed resurgence of fascism never happened
hahahahah ’ hahahahaha
Fascist regimes generally came into existence in times of crisis, when economic elites, landowners and business owners feared that a revolution or uprising was imminent. Fascists allied themselves with the economic elites, promising to protect their social status and to suppress any potential socialist revolution.. Then Fascists allied themselves with the economic elites, promising to protect their social status and to suppress any potential socialist revolution. There’s more specifics here if you want them.
Too bad, you’ll have to donate in your own name. ;)
Allez Imane!
(EDIT: Just wanted to add I have donated 10 dollars for each current downvote (7) to women’s rights charities in Algeria. Thanks for supporting Algerian women’s rights!) (EDIT 2: Fuck it, I added another 10 for the late downvote. Thanks for supporting Algerian women’s rights!)
Again, I think spreading lies on the internet is an appalling thing to do, but I just wanted to share my disbelief that someone could be arrested for it.
How is it really different from starting a white supremacy group and calling to ‘expel immigrants’ in posters around a city? The only difference from any other racist/terrorist action is that it was placed online. Do we really need to allow that to be okay?
For reference, the Russian army during the siege of Mariupol killed approximately 8 civilians for each Ukrainian soldier, despite the fact that those Ukrainian soldiers were in uniform and did not deliberately hide among civilians.
Are you seriously trying to compare Russia with the US? Like congratulations, your My Lai past is fully behind you.
"But from the outset, she said, she did not feel welcome. In her witness statement she detailed how colleagues “took it in turns to shout out ‘watermelooooon!’ anytime I walked into the room. Every time they did this the others would laugh,” she said, adding that she “felt humiliated and mocked”.
She heard colleagues talking about her “getting lynched” and being “tarred and feathered”. One said he would put her in a “hot box” – a reference to a scene in the film Django Unchained in which a black female slave is tortured by being locked inside a wooden coffin-type box.
In her statement, Knight said the Tarantino film “was regularly played by my colleagues – seemingly on repeat”.
Over several years, Knight tried to raise complaints about the racism and misogyny, informally at first and then formally, through Service Complaints, the grievance scheme for members of the armed forces. She backed up her complaints with evidence, including WhatsApp screenshots and audio recordings.
However, after submitting a service complaint about her treatment at AFC Harrogate she was removed from her role training junior soldiers, on the basis that her “mental or emotional state [was] sufficiently at risk of deterioration that she should not be in a [junior soldier-]facing role at this time”.
“I think when it got to that stage, that’s when I just realised that the army is institutionally racist,” Knight said. “And they would go above and beyond in order to discredit me as an individual, in order to protect the army image, to portray that racism doesn’t exist, even though it was there in black and white.”
What the actual fuck?
Sacrifice. I am so sad it didn’t have a bigger impact than it did. What an amazing game.
Man this is, I am pretty sure, the most irony laden post I’ve seen on Lemmy.