It’s just the random button on Wikipedia in a tiktok ui.
Not Adhd food without being less random and actually showing you things you are interested in.
The dev has a hard no stance to adding it though.
It’s just the random button on Wikipedia in a tiktok ui.
Not Adhd food without being less random and actually showing you things you are interested in.
The dev has a hard no stance to adding it though.
Good text. I’ve actually been trying it, and it seems to work well. :)
The difference is probably with or without birth control.
Low interroception, not necessarily Adhd. Like most symptoms it can come from many angles.
It’s a military operation.
The Scottish way of Mc, ie Peter McChairman flows better, imo
For me it always comes when procrastinating something worse. It’s not so much love as it just happens sometimes
Failing an exam you didn’t study for us not a failure of character. It’s not your fault, and it is not worth valuing higher than your life.
Depression is telling you that you put too much weight on yourself. Do your best and that is already 100% of what you can give right now, and that is OK.
The best time to start was 7 days ago, the second best time to start is now.
I struggle with this as well. If the step is too big I get overwhelmed and procrastinate the task untll panic sets in and fuels me with adrenaline.
Take a small step towards it without the intention to finish. Put the book out then do something else. Have the intention of just reading for 5 minutes then stop. Allow yourself to be satisfied in taking a step towards the big task.
Correlation does not mean causation!
Damn autocorrect striking again.
Cptsd people as well
The word play, Love that! Succinct point put beautifully. Well done!
A long uhhhhhmmmm until they stop talking
Take the raads-r test. It’s so close to a psychiatrist evaluation that it has a high confidence even for a self test. https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/
Just knowing you are autistic and learning about it can improve your life
Great! You just found your way to fall asleep instantly! Use it to get some more sleep in general :p
That’s a good mentality. I will start using that, thanks!
My phone has literally died many times because I wouldn’t plug it in, with the charger cable *being within reach! *
I’ve tried as well, but the chemicals they put in the water is too addicting to me. Even my dog is addicted. Every day I drink it I always get sleepy after about 15 hours, and then my body crashes due to all the toxins and the dihydrogenmonoxide they put in the water.
I’ve also tried purifying the tap water through the coffee filter, like I saw on tiktoc, but it only helps for a few extra hours compared to when I don’t do it.