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It’s really tiring to just exist inside your own head.
I’ve described it before as a box filled with a bunch of bouncy balls just bouncing off on every direction, off the walls, ceiling and floor, all the time. Every one of those balls is a thought, it’s really hard to hold onto just one, it’s hard to keep one once you’ve caught it.
When I’m resting usually I just put in some youtube video/TV show/audio book and play some mindless game for a while. On the outside it looks like it just played solitaire for 3 hours straight, but on the inside I’m just trying to follow one line of thought while keeping the rest of my brain occupied and quiet for a second.
Not about money in my case, but similar stuff happens too. I just stand my ground and say as calmly as I can (with varying levels of success) “I’m sure X happened this way” we don’t discuss it often, my dad usually just keeps up believing stuff happened his way, and we leave it at that.
Not able to checkout, but my local library has a tiny maker space you can go in and use. It includes some crafting supplies, a sewing machine and a 3D printer. For using the 3D printer they have a stamp card you pay for at the start for hours of printing. It’s not expensive, it’s there mostly to help pay filament and prevent people from doing super long prints without thinking about it. For checking out they have movie and series DVDs and board games
My inlaws’ cat makes makes it as difficult as possible to pet her when she likes it a lot. Doesn’t sit still, if I pet her chin she twists her head away to show me the top of her head instead, keeps walking back and forth, and even lays belly up sometimes (and she does not like her belly touched at all).
I know she’s liking it because she purrs like crazy, does not move away, if I stop looks at me until I start again. If in her walking back and forth I don’t chase her and leave my hand out she moves into it for more pets.
I’ve developed some techniques to pet her two handed where she sits still for some reason. Like chin scritches with one hand coming from each side, she loves it.
I also don’t understand why Windows hides it now and you have to dig around to re enable it.
I’m really happy with the one from IKEA, the bigger rectangular one. I’ve had it over a year. Not the prettiest, but if you don’t dislike it it’s alright
I have hibernate enabled in windows, and have it set for when I click the power button on the case it hibernates instead of sleep or shutdown. Hibernation means it’s off, but it saves its state before it shuts down and restores it after turning on. Meaning I have the convenience of my startup programs being all booted up and open windows and programs are just as I left them. I shutdown the computer normally the last time I use it at night, so I have it freshly booted in the morning.
Personally I hate waste and walking away from a computer for more than a few minutes and leaving it on makes me uncomfortable. I know I’m weird and a bit on the extreme side, but it’s how I feel, and the hibernation option is a good option that keeps most of the convenience of leaving it on or suspended.
Shannon Makes fan?
I had no idea! So you use the phone in tether mode and get it hooked up on a router ethernet port and it works like that? Did you have to change any settings on your router to make it work?
You don’t need an ethernet adapter to use your phone as a cabled hotspot for a computer. Just a regular usb cabe works just fine, I’ve done it before when our home internet was down.
The idea itself is fine, but in practice it wouldn’t work. The kind of people you are trying to screen out in the process would just study do give the responses of a passing assessment, probably with the help of heavily paid mental health professionals.
Psicology is hard to test and prove, most of the things you are looking to test would not be visible in bloodwork or brainscans.
I didn’t actually mean the fist option, it was meant as a joke. I clarified it in another comment, maybe I should just edit the original one.
As far as I understood the problem here is OP’s boss, so I don’t think that would be a feasible solution in this situation
Just be be clear, I wasn’t advising OP to do the first idea. It was more of a joke. It has potential to be traced back and get him into trouble.
All my teeth falling off (I wore braces as a teen, I don’t know if it made a difference). Also since a cousin died in a car crash I dream about car accidents, always in the driver seat. In the first year after the accident I even woke up trying to press the breaks sometimes.
The most chaotic good thing to do would be to use the known security issues to hack into your boss’ computer in the most scarry looking but harmless way. That would possibly scare them into upgrading.
With that said, you should create a paper trail on how you warned your boss, and either wash your hands of the issue or kick it up the chain, depending on how much you care.
EDIT: since it seems some people didn’t get it, I meant the first option as a joke. My actual advice is the second paragraph
It did not, it’s just that sarcasm/irony is common on the internet, and tone is hard to convey just from written text. I was not offended at all, but thanks for being a nice person on the internet and apologizing anyways!
Me and my dad are the same, on the left and right problem, never knew anyone else that had that problem, or that it had a name! I thought we were just weirdos :p
This varies by person, and he best person to talk about this is your girlfriend.
With that said, I’d do half what she paid in rent for mortgage (of half the mortgage payment, whichever is smaller), and all other expenses split down the middle. She would pay rent if she lived elsewhere, the way I see it, her contributing to the mortgage is a deeply discounted rent.
This might not work for you, you need to talk. Me and my now husband when we first started setup a joint account, and each sent half of an agreed amount there every month, or as needed. We didn’t make similar incomes, it fluctuated back and forth through the years for both of us. Some people would think it was unfair for us to pay the same. It worked for us, and both of us were happy with the arranjement, it might not be the best option for you.