He clearly fucked a stranger in the ass.
I take it that he dictated the book to his therapist from a state of paralysis.
Da hast du eigentlich Recht. Er sieht nett und freundlich aus, während der rechte fürchtbar aussieht. Vielleicht darstellt er besser, wie wir heutzutage wollen, dass die Politik aussieht.
Who thought of that and how have they managed to sustain their core bodily functions this long?
Vergisst auch nicht auf den Bundesrats-Adler
Gives a whole new meaning to Volkswagen
Good point. In a way, I wish I had my own ground control.
Edit: surely I can’t be the only one who can’t trust themselves with time/internet? I wonder what other people who wished they had parents to supervise them do…
I definitely agree that depression is heavily circumstantial. The times when I’ve had it there was always a clear cause and the depression eventually dissipated once I managed to deal with that cause.
In my slavic language we have Pepek
*Rheinmetall noises*
Also meiner Meinung nach wären gebackene Bohnen besser aber Kürbissuppe geht auch
XD Bottom pic