Jokes on you I don’t pay for nitro lol I install reactions manually and upload them whenever needed hahahahaha laughs in poor
For adult games join my server
Jokes on you I don’t pay for nitro lol I install reactions manually and upload them whenever needed hahahahaha laughs in poor
I like my GF to be medium rare. Because No one has yet found her I may be cooked
I would be happy just for being involved
Your opinion is valid, I’m saving this comment Incase one day I decided to build an instance I’ll create that tag, just for you… ;)
Fuck you I fell for this X’D
Hats off this is the best reasoning of all 🤧😂
It’s just node.js that’s why… you’re a deno dude now it’s just your company that is still delayed not you
My heart is grass and you’re a mountain goat
I haven’t really met like a hundred queers in my life but I have this one gay friend that been my bestie for a solid 12 years so far and never heard him or any of our other queer friends tell a joke it’s always the straights who tell the gayest and yet funniest jokes and they always land home, that’s just my experience so far I wish to meet someone that would change my mind tho
Well I don’t know how to whistle but I can make my lips vibrate so… I don’t know if that logic is orgasm proof or what
You should switch your app to see links without the need to actually click on them is more secure
I’ve seen this right under your comment and it felt somewhat funny XD
Not everyone can handle this simple trick (˘︶˘).。*🤌