does anyone know if this is good material? I would apprechite the format, but i know sometimes humble bundle offers some less than ideal learning materials.
does anyone know if this is good material? I would apprechite the format, but i know sometimes humble bundle offers some less than ideal learning materials.
ok. release date will be 204x xD
perfect challenge
Ill see to add that to my first or second project. this is one of the videogame fundamentals, that i as a player rarely think about
this sounds like a good entry for 3d i feel like. at least it sparked an idea on what i could do
sounds reasonable enough :D
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
honestly reading that, id assume that must be somewhat hard to make ^^" But ill trust your word of it not beeing so. Perhabs after i am familiarised with godots script ill give it the go.
hmm, trying to make it a small doable task for me. I think recreating super mario bris 1-1 is a classic game dev beginner thing, isnt it? collect coins, go to the under ground, have to jump and stuff.
maybe not my fist project but it is on the list ^^
i think in the sense of these small learning challenges i will approach to make a game you win by clicking ten times. i dont wanna start doing a full game. But gain a skillset to create a game in summer for a jam.
its not their job to educate you
Really depends on what you do and value. I use lots of kde software, so kde distros are my go to. then one big diffrence between distros is how they get updated. do you want the latest updates asap on the costs of stability, or do you want an effing never crashing distro but lag behind in updates a few months/years, or a middleground.
These are the two points i considered when i choose.
i failed out of uni so take my advice with a huge grain of salt. but its ok to fail or rescedule. as long as you persist ofc. I failed some class and the shame made me fail more. reality is pretty much everyone has parts of their studys that are boring or incredible hard. and pretty mich everyone fails some stuff. Just make a plan, figure out what made you fail last time (if it happends) and try to prevent that next time.
tl;dr: dont be like me. be open and honest to your friends, professors and family. and you will make it :)
what a non answer. imagin someone asks for directions, and all they get as an answer is “traveling isnt just beeing good at walking. you need to do the work and find the way”
I mean i totally agree with your observation, but op asked for tips. they are probably a younger person asking more experienced people how to start into life.
there are offices that offer these services offline. if you wanna do it on your own youll need to request a lot of acces to city archives. At least in some countrys, citys keep many infos. including if someone moves there ect.
So if you know where your grandparents used to be born, go there, and maybe you find infos about your grand grandparents. and then its just a game to hunt for infos. See if you can find your anchestors names in unis, or companys or something.
I heard its quite tedious and takes years
its actually a real rabit hole to see which cultures use however many days to refer into the future and past. Since the use of unified calenders its been declining. few centuries ago it wasnt unusual to have words for like “five days ago”. and some languages actually perserved that!
Dont ask me for specifics tho. its been many moons since i did that deep dive ^^
ereyesterday is the day before yesterday. as a german i am used to refer to two days in the past and future without useing weekdays.
thanks a lot. I really apprechiate that summery. maybe ill get to learn some best practices. since i am already makeing tiny games on my own, perhabs i outgrew some of that already.