• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • He has two tricks:

    1. Accepting deal wins that aren’t wins - So a child had two cookies, you took them both, he starts crying, you give him one of the cookies to soothe him and you eat the other in front of him while he laughs and thinks he’s winning. In this examples, trump is the baby.

    2. Or, unseen solutions to imaginary problems or problems he created himself - Covers your house in gasoline, sits in a chair and throws lit matches towards it. Then says loudly, NOBODY IS GONNA BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN, YOU GOT IT! And then waits for you to thank him.

  • That’s not the implication. It’s you forgiving yourself the burden of reality. You chilled the fuck out at MTV spring break, bud. You smelled the smoke, but you didn’t care, you got yours.

    And now you have the audacity to call the millenials, who watched 9/11 on rolly CRT TVs in their classrooms as babies and then entered the workplace during the great recession and sub prime mortgage finance scams. Then, when they might finally be building some type of momentum back, you get trump into COVID into vaccine denial, RTO mandates, endless rounds of mass tech layoffs, false inflation/corporate price gouging into 2nd trump/end of American democracy and the chaos to come.

    But go on being a selfish, disaffected tool (that also seems to equate the scale of boomers and millenials here?), it really affirms who you are

  • In other words, you coasted off of the luxuries afforded you by the previous generation and enjoyed selfish, fully funded indulgences themed as rebellion (while understanding that that wealth funding you was always ill gotten and at the expense of exploited and abused minority groups) and then, because you took a generation off, left a fully unmanaged mess festering to inevitably implode the generation after you?

    And then today, even with the wisdom of time, you live with the hubris to call that generation, that you passively destroyed, “a mess”. Respectfully, I’m not sure you realize it, you piece of shit, but you’re actually a piece of shit.

  • Snapz@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat the Fuck happened with Gen X?
    2 months ago

    Gen X said “fuck it” quickly and lived relatively comfy, selfish lives from their boomer parents funding trips to Woodstock '99 - where they feigned a rebellion, but always with a credit card they didn’t pay for in their pockets and the rent paid.

    They pretended to be above or “so over” politics, but in reality that was just a way to forgive themselves the burden of maintaining a decent society. So they willingly let the fire burn and grow out of control so that the millenials would have to deal with it.

    After being hit with one life altering tragedy after the next during their prime earning years, many millenials realized they would need to be the sacrificial bridge generation. They resigned to delay or deny a lot of personal happiness/excitement so that they could do everything they could to oppose the second bush (who isn’t actually a nice, harmless man with candy) and get Obama elected.

    As the millenials can’t afford homes or children of their own (part of that mentioned sacrifice), the X parents then have the kids that are gen Z later in life. Those Z kids weren’t given any civic direction, personal values or responsibility to community from their perpetually checked out and selfish X parents. So without any tools to build meaningful resistance or any need to serve other humans, they then dropped the ball this election (the ball that the millenials were sacrificing their own fulfilling lives to be able to hand off to them).

    Z was handed the blueprint on a silver platter, so they could literally fix shit by just showing up and acknowledging that nazis are both real and bad. There was actually a point where republicans wouldn’t have won another presidency around 2009 (and they were freaking the fuck out with changing demographic trends forecasted) - never again without a “trump” chaos desperation play emerging to lower the bar, shift the Overton window and generally suck the value out of words, concepts and law.

    The Republicans are ultimately ever-hungry scoundrels and religious zealots though, they want it more, but really that’s because some will literally go to prison if they aren’t governing. Also, a successful left will never have that same ruthless hunger, but that’s really just because the definition of the left’s vision of success is that you should actually be able to slow down, enjoy living and let your guard down a bit, or else what’s the fucking point? The Republicans are perpetual losers, but even when they “win” they don’t. They aren’t happy and all that means they are never slowed by legality or morality. So they got to work in earnest starting in 2010 (go watch a film called “slaying the dragon”) and here we are.

    Edit: Ha! Scrolled down and saw someone posted a comic that says about exactly what I was expressing, except the Z kid would need to be falling on his face.

  • I had to go to a private Christian school in third grade - not because we were religious, we were not, but because gang violence was getting serious in my town and the private school was seen as the safe option my mom decided on for a year even though we couldn’t afford it.

    Again, not religious, but Christian school meant we had to go to “Chapel” every day - Sing bible songs and get the typical religious indoctrination. Anywho… In the chapel, there was a giant rectangular speaker box suspended up at the center of the ceiling. Not sure how but with all the talk of Jesus dying for your sins and everything, I became convinced that that speaker box was his coffin. I thought he was there, suspended above us, every day at Chapel in our little school