Same weird non-sequiturs chain that foobar2000 author uses.
They could’ve honestly said “I don’t wanna”, and that would be the end of it.
Ten and a half. And that’s only if we discount Tuzla island dispute and continuous attempts to take control of politics and economy.
Occupying a country that size doesn’t take a mere week. So no, it won’t.
Oh yeah, please do imagine there is no such thing as a time zone.
On an ellipsoid!
You’re one link click away from understanding why your message is stupid. Question is whether it’s message alone.
“Huh, I wonder” has been driving general scientific progress and heart failures in engineering since forever.
Thorium reactors have a cleverly dumb failsafe. If reactor control fails, there’s a plug that melts and drains the contents into a container that’s not fit for runoff neutron generation.
That’s an example of a failsafe that fits its purpose. It’s still possible to fuck it up, but it would take a lot of effort to do so.
And if there’s a bug in that code, you’re fucked.
Safety features should work if everything else fails. Their failure mode can’t be “fuck it, it didn’t work”. Which is directly opposite to the failure mode of a subscription based service.
Not that it’s untranslatable, but I enjoy it quite a lot.
Поцілуй бузька в калатало - go kiss a stork on the knocker.
If you ever heard storks, you’ll recognize the dismissiveness of this statement.
It wasn’t supposed to be the revolution, it was sold like it was.
As a revolution, it relies on infinite applicability of Moore’s law to storage medium. In other words, it relies on infinite growth. It never left the square one.