Oh she won’t be having any kisses I can assure you, but loooong strokes up her back and cat lollipops are accepted (depending on her mood)
I know this is almost two weeks old but it has melted my heart <3
Again a still from a video so apologies for the quality
Bonus Ruby sitting by the fire
She is incredibly conversational <3
Not so spicy, just with a hint of drama
Love the cow pattern face and the ear fluff
That’s actually a mini Beau Bo Baggy Pants
Beautiful <3 She’s almost got that halfy-half face thing going on that I can’t remember the name of
She can have a little cheese, as a treat
Dave is adorable! I hope he gets adopted soon.
Both of the posts I’ve made are of my girlfriend’s cats and obviously Beau did very well because she’s a big fluffy teddy bear. I decided to post Ruby too because she is such a strange cat. She’s an anxious cat that is wary of strangers that also needs to be tucked into bed with a blanket. She’s incredibly talkative and is simultaneously a sassy madam and a baby all in one.