In the long term, it will mean America will have a weaker position at every bargaining table. From trade deals, to immigration, to military engagement. And sure, in a lot, if not most cases, that’s better for the world. For the US it will mean more hardship and more poverty, leading to more crime, leading to more right wing extremism. And unlike unwinding the Soviet Union, when America unwinds, there’s going to be and axis of China and Russia waiting to step on everyone else. Russia isn’t building enough guns to defeat Ukraine, they’re aiming to build enough to defeat Europe. And they know they couldn’t do it if America were there as a back stop. He’s also counting on the EU being too afraid to send nukes.
New air frames tend to have a lot of issues. They’re kind of at the limits of engineering complexity. Too many parts optimized for weight/strength just perfectly, until there’s that one extra side load, or power drain, that no one expected. That’s why a lot of test designs end at the full scale testing stage. It’s not until all the parts are in one place that you can really see if they all work together.