Little scam artist is getting himself double dinners and still looks that good
Little scam artist is getting himself double dinners and still looks that good
They’re only struggling because the West is arming Ukraine. The Ukrainians fought hard from day one, but they’d have been overrun and at best operating a guerilla campaign without being given heaps of equipment. Look what has happened while America stopped sending stuff over, and’s while Europe was still sending stuff. Europe’s arms industry is substantial, pretty much on par with the US in terms of value exported, but it’s lacking things like the ability to supply an artillery war like the one going on in Ukraine. Since the US doesn’t seem to be very reliable, Europe is gonna have to cover that base itself if it wants to be able to deter actions like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
They’re American
The European NATO members did continue supplying Ukraine. However, the US had previously accounted for roughly half of the total arms supplied and Europe didn’t do anything extra to make up for that sudden colossal shortfall.
The UK openly said Ukraine could use British-supplied weapons on Russian territory a few weeks ago. We’re much closer to the Russian heartlands and have a much less scary military than America, but Russia hasn’t done shit about it
They got to announce that inflation is more or less back down to normal levels, so this is about as good as the polling is likely to be. There was one a few months back that actually showed the Conservatives getting fewer seats than the SNP. To be clear it was only one poll and I do not think it will happen, but for readers that don’t already know this, the SNP only even contest less than 10% of the total seats. The fact that that was ever even close to the bounds of possibility is wild.
Sweden has generally been pretty supportive of Turkish EU accession. Cyprus is a far bigger issue.