When you say footage, do you mean like actual combat footage? If so I think that’s excellent. You are absolutely right the US is completely isolated from the reality of unpleasantness that is often in the world, often because of us. Our only exposure to real evil and violence is in movies and TV and everything else is ‘tastefully’ censored. So we debate policy like war and diplomacy completely isolated from the actual reality that those policies create.
I’ll bet they are great live. I actually have only heard one song of theirs, which I found by accident years ago when trying to find something else. Everlasting Light, played live. One of very few songs that completely makes it obvious how much mp3 compression sucks, and even if you download the FLAC (sadly not high res) you can still hear everything wrong with your speakers and if you listen to it on good headphones then you can hear the deficiencies of the mic they used to record it.
Truly a huge amount of audio information in that track. I love it!