Go to Vancouver instead. Much better than LA.
Go to Vancouver instead. Much better than LA.
Trump signed the deal and set the deadlines for troop withdrawal. Biden was president for the completion of the pullout. By then it was already apparent the Taliban would takeover once the US military was gone.
In my opinion Biden was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. Republicans would say he sabatoged Trumps peace deal if he sent the troops back and cried anyways when the obvious happened as troops were withdrawn.
Trump just wanted to use ending the war as a campaign talking point. He didn’t care if it worked or not. The fact it didnt and Biden got the shit sandwich was an unintended bonus.
As far as Trumps history with deal making the LA Times goes over some and has link to the SEC document that lists Trumps failed businesses.
I kind of like the utter insanity that seems to be their norm. Not going to buy anything from them but still.
There is no statute of limitations in the UK for rape, based a quick search, so all these “spy cops” need to be unmasked and charged.
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” - Winnie-the-Pooh
I didn’t read Winnie-the-Pooh till I was an adult and when I read this it felt like reading a universal truth everyone should know. It nearly brought me to tears.
Will Canada adopt me so I can sign the petition as well?
How dare you! We are third world at best! And looking at creating fourth and fifth as well.
The DNC decided that. Our two party system gave us Shit and Shittier in the election and neither cared about Palestinians.
By end, assuming there is an end, of Trumps current term the US will only have Putin as an ally.
Martin won’t be any better he’s just doing and saying all the things Democrats do after a loss. Once they get back a majority it will all come to nothing. At best they may try and impeach Trump again. Which will likely come to nothing, assuming it gets past the house, even after the 2026 elections since they are unlikely to take the Senate.
Now, if somone like AOC, or even Sanders, was leading the DNC I would have some hope. I don’t even have hope we’ll have a decent presidential canidate in 2028. This assumes of course there is an election in 2026 and/or 2028.
Trump is gonna get those rare earth minerals anyway he can. If Ukraine won’t sign them over he’ll make a deal with Russia to get them and Ukraine be damned. Licking Putin’s butthole is just a bonus.
So it is ageist to criticize boomers but not ageist to criticize gen z and younger? Sounds pretty ageist to me.
And we are supposed to feel sorry some boomers, and older, never bothered to learn how to use a computer or smart phone properly? Fuck off you disingenuous pieces of shit.
Yes. Once the US Trump has a signed agreement for the minerals he signs a treaty for Ukraine giving Russia whatever it wants but let’s the US Trump keep the mineral rights.
It is exactly what Bibi has been looking for. No more Palestinians and foreign investor come in and clean up the mess and develop it? Win win win for Israel. Because major news has the attention span of a methed up toddler all the war crimes will quickly be forgotten by its consumers.
So very much this. Waking up now includes logging what does and does not hurt. It sucks.
So the question is how many of those who command troops will follow Trumps orders.
The worst deal maker is going to head talks to end the war in Ukraine? Ukraine is sooooo fucked.
Broken clocks etc.
The odds Trump isn’t a Russian operative are far far far less than the odds that he is a Russian operative.