I said something similar a few months before he got into office, got down voted to hell.
I said something similar a few months before he got into office, got down voted to hell.
I’ll take any small victory I can at this point, shits bleak AF
The countdown is kinda depressing (only because we have so long to go), but each second passed gives me hope. Carry on good Samaritan 👍
Seriously, them and trumpers’ voters are awfully quiet…
Glad someone else noticed this uptick in him being with his kids in public more.
Them and alot of Millenials unfortunately, I quit FB about 9 years ago and when ever I run into someone I know they always wonder why I’m not on FB anymore.
Maybe by declareing Marshall law til the “attackers are brought to justice.”
Oh god…soon we wont be able to create any more Sci-fi movies out of fear some idiot with too much money and power thinks to use them like “How to…” videos.
Or the democracy protests, pre-covid