If you’re interested in that, it will probably be available, yeah.
But if you’re not, there are plenty of non-stoners who play too.
If you’re interested in that, it will probably be available, yeah.
But if you’re not, there are plenty of non-stoners who play too.
They would care if a large enough group stopped paying taxes. But good luck getting +10 million Americans to actually take a stand for what they believe in.
Disc golf is the sport for nerdy kids who never liked sports. And even if you’re absolutely terrible, you get to take a nice walk in the park or the woods. Most courses are free to play, and you really only need one disc to have a good time. Strongly recommend for those who know they aren’t active enough but have no interest in going to the gym.
And ask the same straight man how many comrades he’s slept with recently and receive the same answer.
Dude is just as neutral as comrade. It’s only your own preconceptions giving it gender.
Probably “call an ambulance… But not for me”