Won’t someone please think of the youth in Asia!
Won’t someone please think of the youth in Asia!
No love for Panda’s? 🥺
I’m ready to be nailed, what’s that? I can choose what tip I want?
So you can disappoint two people at once?
100% men have denied men from having cute outfits for too long! Be the change you want to see in the world
Vyvanse ended up making the dog way bigger on some days, I’m on atomoxetine and that’s been way more manageable.
In case anyone has found themselves to be sensitive to stimulant medication, don’t be afraid to ask about trying non-stimulants 🙂
Wow they did that so quick, killing around 700 other people, yet over 45k dead in Palestine and yet no end in sight?
Praying this is the end of the violence for the people of Lebanon
Yum a jack & coke but with pepsi! My fav
This will almost certainly be a false positive, its a heuristics(I think that’s the correct term) based detection, basically just matches certain characteristics of files that have been related to that trojan.
These days Defender has exceptional real time malware scanning capabilities, it often picks up stuff as you download it or even as it executes. If this was a detection of an existing file, its very likely a false positive.
Was this taken from the Crowdstrike repo?
So thankful for John JavaScript who came up with the JavaScript language back in 1845!
I’m also not a fan of MS spyware.
But in defence of the MS authenticator, the 2FA prompts it sends are very convenient, how they pop up and ask for the number displayed on screen, its definitely more secure than just the one time code.
Plus it also shows what phone the user is using when they install and configure the authenticator app, this is also very useful if you suddenly see the user accessing their mail or one drive from another mobile device.
I seriously thought this was an onion article!