He’s having a melt-down because the rest of the world is siding with Ukraine (as they should)
He’s having a melt-down because the rest of the world is siding with Ukraine (as they should)
US would be forced to defend their mining assets/investments in the area.
China is gearing up to be the next super power,
Russia in its stupidity got baited into Ukraine and is tanking its resources into it. US now in its stupidity is being baited into shooting itself in the foot. All the big players on the court are distracted by some petty stupidness,
All the while China just sits there
“Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake” - Sun Tzu
US should just join BRICS
Zelensky should. Trump makes trade deals and then renege’s on them all the time.
Surprised this got announced
So is everyone else.
In typical fashion of Trump no foresight. He goes into a meeting, thinks of a really stupid idea, and just gets up at the podium and says it, with absolutely NO thought as to what his words could mean on the geo-politcal stage.
US strategists must be losing their fucking mind.
They tell Trump how important Greenland and Panama is to US national security, and Dingledorf in chief gets up there and announces to the world US’s strategic ambitions and security short comings.
Art of the Deal indeed, announce how really important something is to you before you even start dealing.
What a goof. US is getting played so badly… He’s losing 1D chess.
Seriously, media needs to start framing this correctly to the American people.
US - Your government just implemented a 25% tax on a whole pile of goods that you purchase, and they are going to take that money and keep it for themselves
Make America the 50’s again
The ones that aren’t internal still exist.
Also, survival bias doesn’t mean something isn’t a hazard.
Well in that case we should all carry magical rocks around our necks to prevent people from being attacked by bears
See how that works the other way?
Search ‘Fidget Toys’ on Amazon, some of them are amazing.
All these kids toys that you need to swap batteries out consistently has these fucking screws you need to unscrew…
And yet, something like a remote that the cover gets pulled off like MAYBE once a year, doesn’t have one, and the cover breaks/falls off, goes missing.
Remove the screw from the kids toys… no one in the 80’s/90’s ever swallowed a god damn battery… besides they’re all internal lithium now anyway…
PUT THE MINI-SCREW ON THE REMOTES!!! For the love of fuck…
Why don’t the Chinese people do something about Xi? Why don’t the Russians do something about Putin? Why don’t the Israel’s do something about Netanyahu?
I didn’t decide shit, the rest of these asshats I’m surrounded by did it for me. Leave me out of it.
Because apparently the only way to get rid of it is extreme incineration.
This isn’t viral or bacterial, where just a little bit of heat, UV or decay will kill it.
When someone dies of prion disease, they need to incinerate everything. Clothes/Body/Beds, the whole thing.
These are nightmare fuel.
NATO has been supporting Israel
Some ‘members’ of NATO may be…
But NATO has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or Palestine…
Here is NATO
You think Turkey is on Israel’s side?.. You’re a goof…
NATO is still a bad organization.
How so?
WTF does NATO have anything to do with Israel or Palestine?!
WTF would leaving NATO have any effect on Israel or Palestine?!
WTF are these people even on about?
NATO’s “complicity with Israel’s military while it’s conducting its genocide in Gaza
NATO isn’t helping Israel… (while some NATO members might be, that’s not NATO)
It’s not NATO’s job to get involved with with Israel or Palestine…
Yeah, the Ukrainian people threw out Yanukovych multiple times for being a Russian puppet.
Yanukovych argued in favour of economic modernisation, increased spending and, initially, continuing trade negotiations with the EU. He pledged to remain non-aligned in defence policy. However, his years in power saw what analysts described as democratic backsliding,[10] which included the jailing of Tymoshenko, a decline in press freedom[11] and an increase in cronyism and corruption.[12] In November 2013, Yanukovych made a sudden decision, amidst economic pressure from Russia,[13] to withdraw from signing an association agreement with the EU and instead accept a Russian trade deal and loan bailout. This sparked mass protests against him that ultimately led to his ousting as president.
How or where is the US involved in this? and why would they care?
Or you know Occam’s razor,
pressure from Russia clearly indicates they want Ukraine and are upset that their puppet was thrown out by the people.
Dude was jailing his opposition, and the people rose up against it.
That doesn’t sound like the actions of a person that has Ukraine’s interests as their primary goal.
After Russia lost their puppet, they invaded Crimea.
It’s USA’s fault Russia annexed Crimea? and now attempting to annex more?
How’s that?
of which are wildly incompetent