Chmod works recursively.
What modes exactly are you trying to set? Why do you need different perms based on the file type?
Infrastructure nerd, gamer, and maintainer
Chmod works recursively.
What modes exactly are you trying to set? Why do you need different perms based on the file type?
Active radar, rather than just passive that looks for transponders.
Huh? Instances can’t give out emails, that’s a privacy violation.
Lemmy doesn’t log ips, and the access logs don’t contain usernames or id’s by default. You would need to modify things to record ips.
Lol nope. Right now registration questions and email validation are the only tools.’s pict-rs seems to be was down, so when I expand this I get a broken image icon. I thought that was the css joke at first.
I recommend dish soap instead, smells nicer.
Lots of people bought before musk fully revealed himself, and who would buy a used Tesla now if they tried to sell?
Hate on the people that deserve it, not the randoms who happened to buy a Tesla.
Every morning my cat is waiting for me in the bathroom. He rolls around at my feet, and then guards me from the countertop while I shower.
If I somehow beat him, he screams and hammers on the door to be let in.
It’s probably torrent clients doing a ping test of peers to check latency. Ops VPN server replies to the ping so they look close, even though they’re not.
I can’t imagine a client that would ship an ip2geo db to bother trying to look up locations. Just doesn’t make any sense.
RIP Oink +
I’m in this photo and I don’t like it.
You’d probably enjoy cyberpunk 2077
They’re run by Mexico, not a business.
Ah no, I haven’t mined in years. That sucks to hear, they used to be an easy thing to point people at.
Nicehash is an easy way to get started.
Exactly. I’ve gotten this too, indeed is a joke.
None of us care about the king. What’s he supposed to do? England has more than enough problems of their own already.